Weekly Programs
The Rotary Club of Pocatello is well known for our excellent weekly programs. Our club is a venue where club members can learn about and discuss important issues of the day in a non-partisan, civil manner. Often our meetings host area-wide news announcements pertaining to business, University and community relations, and topics of general safety, economic, or political interest. We endeavor to provide honest, balanced and fair content to our club members by those who seek us out. Programs of wide interest are generally advertised in the media. Community and media members are welcome to visit our club for programs of particular interest to them. As a service club, we are always interested in hearing about specific service opportunities in our community and in the world. We encourage programs directly tied to Rotary's areas of focus, which are; promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education, and growing local economies.
Presenting at our Club
We invite quality, polished speakers and presenters to approach us anytime with suggestions and ideas for programs for our club. Our program schedule is generally set several months in advance and we cannot guarantee that you or your topic will be invited to address our club. However, if you have a program suggestion, please contact us. A typical program slot during our 1-hour luncheon meeting lasts 20 minutes with 5 additional minutes for Q&A.
If you would like to present a program to the Rotary Club of Pocatello Click Here. Please include a description of your topic or program idea and your contact information (email and phone number).