Here are the steps for joining:

1. SPONSOR. To become a member of our club, you will need a sponsor to formally invite you to join the club. Your sponsor is there to mentor you through the process of becoming a Rotarian. If you don't have a sponsor but want to join, please ask a club member or club officer and we will find a sponsor for you!

2. VISIT. With your sponsor, you are welcome to visit our club, have lunch with us a few times, and get acquainted with who we are and what we do. As you visit the club you will begin to learn about some of the activities with which we are involved. You will meet many diverse members that make up our group. We our proud that our club is over 100 members strong and has been serving our community for over 100 years.

3. RESEARCH. Next you will want to do your homework and learn what it expected when you join the club, what your financial obligations will be, and how you can best contribute to the work we do. For a concise overview, please read EXPECTATIONS OF MEMBERS OF THE POCATELLO ROTARY CLUB.

4. PROPOSING FOR MEMBERSHIP. When you are ready, your sponsor will formally 'propose' you for membership in our club. He or she does this by submitting your name in writing to the board of directors.

5. BOARD APPROVAL. The Board of Directors reviews all membership proposals and your name is announced to the club at large. If the proposal is accepted by the board of directors and no material objections are raised by any current club member, your sponsor will arrange for you to be Inducted as a new member of our club.

6. INDUCTION. Your sponsor and the Club President formally induct you into our club. The induction provides a way to introduce you to the club and receive the club's welcome. At your induction, you are given your RED NAME BADGE, a Rotary pin, a packet of welcome information, and the greetings of the club. You are welcome to bring a guest for this special occasion!

7. RED BADGE. At Rotary, it is tradition that members wear name tags at club meetings and functions so we can get to know one another easily and call each other by our first names. The name badge you receive will be a RED BADGE which indicates to other club members that you are new to the club, so they can help you acclimate and answer questions all new members have in the beginning. During the time that you have your RED BADGE, you will be asked to complete four simple orientation requirements. Completion of these steps qualifies you for your permanent BLUE BADGE.

We hope you will seriously consider joining the Pocatello Rotary Club. We need people like YOU!