Links & Other Resources

While effort has been taken to avoid sources written by known abusers (or in cases where this is not reasonable, to note the problems with the authors), it's entirely possible that the authors of this site were unaware of a particular linked site's problems. It is strongly recommended that you do your own additional research and trust your own mind over the word of internet strangers. We cannot possibly know you or your situation, and it would be wise to consider whether the information presented here is actually helpful and useful to you.

If you believe it's not what you need, do not force it to work for you. If it does help, take it with a grain of salt and think critically about the information. Do not rely on internet strangers to tell you the contents of your own mind.

What is Plurality?

More than One- A good introduction to the concept of plurality for those entirely unfamiliar with it.

A Singlet's Guide to Plurality- A quick overview of plurality aimed at people that aren't plural.'s About Multiplicity- An in-depth look at some different ways plurality can present along a dissociative spectrum.

Terminology & Plural Dictionaries

Plural Terms- A large dictionary of terms ranging from common community terminology to microlabels.

Endogenic Hub's Definitions Page- Another term dictionary covering the essentials and a few extras.

How-To Guides

Feather's Guide to Fronting and Switching- An excellent guide for learning how to switch based on the idea of a "persistent I."

A Brief Guide on Ideomotor Questioning- A guide on using a pendulum to communicate with system members or the subconscious.

How to Survive in a Strange World- A guide for outsourced fictives on dealing with the adjustment to a new world and a new body.

On Building Headspace and Headspace Discovery and Defense- Two guides on creating headspace and working with a hostile one respectively.

General Plurality Resources

Healthy Multiplicity- A slightly older list of resources and guides for systems. Also has resources on handling trauma, uncloseting, and more.

Ex Uno Plures Articles-A large number of articles about plurality covering varied topics.

Plural Jumpstart- A directory of other plural resources.

Endogenic Hub- An information and resource hub for systems not created by trauma.

Quick'N'Dirty Plural History- An overview of the history of plurality, syscourse, and how plural communities have changed over time.

A Brief History of the Use of 'System' in Non-DID Spaces- An overview of how the word "system" has been used for all forms of plurality for some time.

The Multiple Code Redux- A fun way to give a lot of information about your system in a relatively small amount of space, and a testament to the diversity of systems.

Multiplicity Database- A Discord server acting as a directory for other plural servers.

r/Plural- A subreddit for all types of plural people. Proceed with caution, as this is Reddit.

LB Lee's Essays- While several individual essays are linked on this page, the others are also worth reading if you have the time.

Disordered Plurality Resources

How Do I Know I'm Multiple?- An article on questioning, doubt, and denial that's more aimed at disordered systems.

The SAVE YOURSELF files- A free download of resources to help get you out of tough and/or traumatic situations.

r/DID- A subreddit for people with DID and their families. Warning: usually not accepting of other types of plurality. Proceed with caution, as this is Reddit.

r/OSDD- A subreddit for those with OSDD. Also not very accepting of other system types. Proceed with caution, as this is Reddit.

Memory Work Essays- A set of essays on the process of recovering repressed and lost memories. Proceed with caution, and only if in a safe and stable situation. Memory work is not something to pursue lightly.

Median Plurality Resources

The Wonderful World of the MidContinuum- An archive of a very old site from back when median plurality was just beginning to be conceptualized and named. Links to several descriptions of median experiences.

Portrait of a Hydra- An article on one system's experience of median plurality. Be aware that while the authors and content of this particular article are okay, the wider site it's hosted on has significant problems and has been compared to a cult by some, and should not be considered a reliable source of any other information. Unfortunately, we were not able to find the original hosting location of this article.

Median Talk- A short article on what median plurality is with a personal anecdote of one system's experience of it. Has a very helpful diagram for understanding the difference between median systems and multiple systems. Be aware that while the authors and content of this particular article are okay, the wider site it's hosted on has significant problems and has been compared to a cult by some, and should not be considered a reliable source of any other information. Unfortunately, we were not able to find the original hosting location of this article.

Tulpamancy/Parogenesis Resources

If you have not read the page on tulpamancy/parogenesis, please do so now. This is not something to pursue lightly. An often-cited website covering what a tulpa is and how to create one. Forums- The main tulpamancy community forums. Has guides, community, and ongoing activity. Another frequently-cited website covering what tulpas are, what terminology exists in the community, and linking to creation guides.

r/Tulpas- The big tulpamancy subreddit. Has useful information but also has a lot of newcomers asking questions. It's also Reddit, so proceed with caution.

Great Big List of Guides- Exactly what it sounds like; a massive collection of links to various tulpa/parogen creation guides. Some no longer exist, but the majority of the links are still working at the time of this writing.

May the Force Be With You- Another creation guide.

The Theorycrafter's Approach to Personality- A personality creation guide hosted on

Highly Advanced Tulpamancy for Beginners- A tulpamancy guide based on rationalism and brainhacking.

How to Dissipate a Tulpa- While generally considered unethical, it may be necessary in some situations to dissipate a tulpa and effectively end their existence. This guide describes how to do this in the least harmful way possible.

Resources for Adjacent Phenomena

List of Kin Resources- A large list of resources for therians, otherkin, fictionkin, and draconic people.

The Daemon Page- A comprehensive website about daemonism.

Tulpas vs Soulbonds- A thread that describes what soulbonds are and how they differ from tulpas/parogens.

MultiWiki's article on Soulbonding- A description of more plural-adjacent experiences of soulbonding.

The Soulbonding Code- A way for soulbonders to put a lot of information into a tiny amount of space; very similar to the Multiple Code.

Gender Dictionary- A dictionary of neogenders and MOGAI terms.