Collection Of Holy Communion

We will be celebrating Holy Communion as a PLMC Family on Sunday 2 May, 6 Jun & 4 Jul 2021. You DO NOT need to register. Please collect the Holy Communion elements from church (Car Park Drive Through or Fellowship Hall) on Sat 24 & Sun 25 Apr, 2pm to 4pm.

PLMC Missions Online Prayer Meeting

Come join us in God's global work on Zoom! Hear from Ms Sim Ting (PLMC Missions Committee) who will be sharing about her experiences in North Asia. And pray for the region and unreached peoples.

Date & Time: 1 May 1 2021, 2.30 to 4 PM

Register @

40DOB - Participate In a Cell Group

Are you ready to bless? If you are, and you’re not currently in a cell, here’s the good news! You can register to be put in a cell for the duration of the 40 days so you can participate in 40DOB and get to experience what being in a cell is like. Please register at this link

Colours of the Bible 2021 Art Competition

Colours of the Bible is an annual art competition and exhibition that is jointly organised by The Bible Society of Singapore and the Embassy of Israel in Singapore.

The theme for this year is “New Beginnings in the Bible”. New beginnings speak of hope, and biblical hope does not disappoint (Romans 5:5). Let’s make 2021 the year where the church of Christ step up and be that light that Christ has called us to be (Matthew 5:14). Let’s paint pictures that are not just aesthetically pleasing to the eyes but moves the hearts of the people.

This competition is open to ALL. Winners in each age category will receive an attractive prize and have their artwork exhibited at our online/ physical exhibition. They will also receive publicity via our Facebook page when we showcase their artwork online for our Facebook Most Likes Competition.

Submission Deadline: 30th June 2021

Competition Details & Registration: