This Week in PLMC

Holy Communion Sunday

- 4 October 2020 -

God of Re-Creation

John 3:5–8

Rev Jacob Lim

Holy Spirit and Salvation; 圣灵与重生

John; 约翰福音3:3-8

Pastor Elvis Yong; 容浩然牧师

10.45AM / 1.30PM

Continue 'Church-at-Home'
with the little ones.

Celebrating Holy Communion TODAY, 4 Oct 2020

We are celebrating Holy Communion as a PLMC Family TODAY, 4 Oct 2020 during our English and Mandarin worship services. Please ensure that you have the Holy Communion elements with you even before the start of the services. Please do not use your own bread and juice for the Holy Communion.

Announcement Highlights

Laity Month

The Methodist Church in Singapore usually observes Laity Sunday on the second Sunday in October. As we here at PLMC have many lay ministries for you to serve in, we are observing Laity Month instead.

This year, we are taking it online. Each week, a few ministries will be featured on PLMC TODAY to showcase what they do, and where you can participate in. Here is the schedule of ministries that will be featured, so that you can look forward to:

  • 4 Oct - Silver Boxes; Sonshine Kids; Youth

  • 11 Oct - Worship & Music; Creative Expressions; Communications; Discipleship & Nurture

  • 18 Oct - GYM; Men's Ministry; WSCS; Young Adults

  • 25 Oct - Missions; Filipino Service; Outreach

R.O.A.D. Through Deuteronomy Reading Plan

We continue our journey through the Bible with a new book –Deuteronomy – on Monday 5 Oct 2020. Over the next 7 weeks, we will hear what God is saying to us individually using ROAD – Read God’s word; Observe what He is telling you; Apply it to your life or situation; Do what is necessary to carry out God’s instruction for you.

Download the R.O.A.D. Through Reading Plan at

Summary of Deuteronomy
After 40 years of wilderness wandering, a new generation is ready to enter the promised land. Moses gathers them and delivers one final message.

He recounts Israel’s rebellion and God’s grace up to that point, and he calls them to covenant faithfulness. In this section we find the Shema (which Jesus later calls “the first and greatest commandment”). The heart of the Shema is a call to listen and obey by devoting your emotions and will to God alone. Moses then shares laws for Israel’s worship and leaders as well as for their civil and social life.

At the conclusion of his speech, Moses gives a warning and ultimatum. To listen and obey God will lead to blessing, but to disobey will lead to devastation and exile. Moses knows the people well enough to know they will eventually choose rebellion. Yet even then, Moses looked forward to a future day when God would give Israel a new heart so they could fully love God and live.

Bible Project:

SkillsFuture Advice (registration closes 17 Oct 2020)

  • Sat 17 Oct 2020 | 10.00am – 11.15am

  • Facilitators: Central Singapore CDC Team

  • Venue: Online

  • Cost: FOC

  • Register at before 17 Oct 2020

In our ever-changing society, one crucial challenge is to equip ourselves with new skills for the new future and embark on a journey of lifelong learning. But how do we plan for our skills upgrading and lifelong learning? Join us at SkillsFuture Advice to:

  • Discover emerging tech disruptions, trends and desired skills for the future;

  • Find our more about SkillsFuture Credits Top-Ups; and

  • Learn about other resources you can leverage on for your career.

A Quiet Day With The Lord

“Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31)

This one day retreat offers you the opportunity to do just that! To come away with the Lord to a quiet and peaceful environment of a retreat centre. This prayer retreat is for anyone who is spiritually dry or feeling restless or weary from the toll of the circuit breaker months.

Guidance will be given on how to spend the day with the Lord in silence and solitude and find rest for our souls.

Date: Saturday, 7 November

Time: 9am-5pm

Venue: Canossian Lifesprings Spirituality Centre

100, Jalan Merbok, Singapore 598454

Cost: $30 per person (includes lunch and a non-aircon room for the day)

$45 (lunch and an aircon room)

Closing date: 25 Oct (or when places are taken up)

Register at this Link:

Ministries Online

Indigitous #HACK 2020

In the new normal, digital missions has been elevated to be a critical platform for proclaiming the kingdom of God to the nations. Indigitous #HACK is part of a global digital mission initiative where participants (technical and non-technical) collaborate to conceive and develop digital missions projects. Indigitous Singapore #HACK 2020 will be held virtually on 10 Oct (Team Formation) and 16-18 Oct 2020. This year, participants will be facilitated to share and ideate different ways to reach and deliver hope and help to people groups wherever they are.

Find out more and register now for free at

#HACK Video:

PLMC Contact: Gordon Chia,

Silver Boxes Parents’ Portal

Have you been wanting to disciple your child at home, but feel clueless about how to start? Check out the Silver Boxes Parents’ Portal website for our very own weekly mid-week discipling packages at Parent’s Guides and resources included.

Other Announcements

CONVERSATIONS - click to view video

CONVERSATIONS is an opportunity for our pastors and leaders to have a conversation with you on matters concerning the church, the nation, and you.
We begin this conversation with our Pastor-in-charge who shares with you
about Laity Month happening in our church in October. He also address enquires on on-site services and when we can go back to church.

Please click on the video image to hear from Ps Shih Ming.

Infant & Child Baptism Class (Closing 25 Oct)

If you desire to have your child/children be baptised, please download and submit the Infant Baptism and Membership form to Andy at Your completed application form should reach us by 25 Oct 2020 (latest).

Download Infant Baptism Form:


  • Attend the Infant/Child Baptism Class on Mon 9 Nov 7.30-9.30pm. You will be advised on the venue.

  • One parent must have already been baptised or attending the present BMC.

Infant Baptism Service: Sunday, 20 Dec 2020 (during Worship Service)

Please contact Andy at for further enquiries.

Art & Christian Worship

  • Thu & Fri, 19-20 Nov 2020 | 9.30am–5pm; Sat 21 Nov 2020 | 9.30am – 3pm

  • Fee: $88.75/pax (This is open only to members 40 years old and above. Fee claimable through SkillsFuture Fund. Payment on first day of workshop. Fee includes materials, starter kit, lunch and tea break.)

  • Capacity: 12 pax

  • Venue: 130 Neil Road S(088859) (

  • Facilitators: Mr Low Kwang Meng / Mr Terry Low

  • Register at

  • Closing date: 30 Oct 2020

Walk into an early church building in Turkey or catacomb in Rome, you will see drawings and paintings on the walls. Art has always been a major part of Christian worship and it has tremendous formative power on the worshippers. This 3-day workshop explores the formative power of Art in Christian worship and its role in Christian witness in different cultures and faith. You will also learn to sketch and paint in the 3 days so that you can incorporate Art into your worship and witness. Besides lectures on the formative power of Art and its role in Christian witness, you could also learn different pencil sketching techniques, water colour painting techniques, and acrylic painting.

If you are interested to learn how Christians use Art for worship and witness, and to learn a new skill at the same time, you should not miss this opportunity. Join us and discover what you can do with our God-given creativity. For more information, email Kwang Meng at

'Simply Good' Recipe Book

Bless someone with this book and support the MCS $1.35 million fund to help 1,000 needy families. Each book produced by GC WSCS is available for a donation of $10 and above (please add $2.00 per book for postage). For orders above 10 copies, collection will be advised. Please contact Wendy at 9772 7974 or email to place your orders.

Sister TRAC Churches Anniversary - Oct 2020

This is the day that the Lord has made! (Psalm 118:24)

We rejoice with and pray for our sister TRAC churches who celebrate their Anniversaries this October.

  • Ang Mo Kio MC 42nd Anniversary on 4 Oct 2020

  • Cairnhill MC 22nd Anniversary on 4 Oct 2020

  • Bedok MC 74th Anniversary on 18 Oct 2020

Tithes & Offerings

  • PayNow or PayLah to UEN S87CC0520L

  • Bank Transfer to DBS BANK LTD 023-905121-9

  • Under Reference No. enter

    • S9 for English Service

    • S92 for English Service 2nd Offering

    • MS11 for Mandarin Service

    • MS112 for Mandarin Service 2nd Offering

    • 2nd Offering Beneficiary for October:
      Trinity Theological College

Prayer Focus

Children's Ministry

Silver Boxes

  1. We thank God for the Young Adults who went all around Singapore to share the love of Christ, by bringing the Children’s Day gift packs to the children and cheering them up.

  2. Pray for the Primary 6 children who are taking their PSLE exams from 1 Oct till 7 Oct. For the Lord’s favour be upon them, as they cast their cares upon Him.

  3. We thank God for the faithful leaders who journey with the children online each fortnight. Pray for our Silver Boxes Connect time with the children on Sundays, at 4pm. We are facing a drop in the attendance and are re-looking at how we can reach out to the children and connect with them, as we are not able to meet them physically.

  4. Pray for our upcoming plans for the school holidays and God’s hand in helping and directing us.

Sonshine Kids

  1. We thank God for our leaders who have faithfully ministered to the children and youths every Saturday through Zoom and reaching out to them, even though we are not able to meet physically. (Psalm 90:17)

  2. Pray for our online Children’s Day Special Programme on 10 October.

  3. Please pray for our upcoming plans for the school holidays, for downloads from the Lord.

Young Adults Ministry

1. Thank God for good weather last Saturday during our joint outreach together with the Children’s Ministry to bless our Silver Boxes children.

2. Pray for our YA cell to grow in the word and fellowship together as they continue to meet.

3. Pray for the YA Committee as they meet for their annual planning retreat this month.

4. Pray for more leaders to step forward and be willing to serve in the YA ministry as cell group leaders.

5. Pray for the 18-year-olds who will be joining the YA ministry next year.

6. Pray for YAs who are in universities as they prepare for their term tests and assignments.

7. Pray for YAs who are enlisting and serving their national service.

Youth Ministry

  1. Please pray for our youths as they take their end of year exams, that they will do so with understanding and clarity of mind.

  2. Please pray that all will be healthy and the shalom peace of God will be with them.

Care & Healing

Jobs Portal for Employers (with Jobs Listings)

COVID-19 has brought about an unprecedented economic crisis affecting lives and livelihoods. Yet, in every crisis, there is an opportunity to demonstrate Christian love and unity.
If you are a business owner or working in a company seeking to employ new staff, and wish to advertise the available positions, please fill in the job details of the vacancies in this link: A listing of the available positions can be found here

Care Hub (English & Chinese)

Care Hub is formed to support and journey alongside our members / worshippers whose lives and livelihoods have been affected by this crisis. The end goal of Care Hub is pastoral care, for someone to journey with them and remind them they are beloved of God and to find strength in God to face the challenges.

As each individual has different needs, Care Hub serves as a one-stop helpline where an individual can obtain support in the church in various areas. If you have been affected by this crisis, Care Hub is here to support you.
English version.:
Chinese version.:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to be a worshipper at PLMC to obtain help for Care Hub?

As long as you have been worshipping with us, either on-site or online, you are welcome to obtain help from Care Hub. We seek to journey with you as a family of faith during, and beyond, the COVID-19 period.

2. Is it compulsory for a Care Befriender to journey with me?

Yes, it is. We are not designed to journey alone. The church is the Body of Christ and each of us is a part of the body. Having a Care Befriender in this journey is to experience the community and interdependence of our Triune God. God is never alone; we need others too.

3. How long will the Care Befriender journey with me?

Each person has a different journey. Each journey is unique. In general, the Care Befriender will journey with you 3 – 6 months. Let these be a meaningful journey of deepening in God through the company of another.

4. Can I request for pastor to be my spiritual mentor/counsellor?

Yes, you can make the request, but we are all called to be a priesthood of believers hence most likely a mature believer will be assigned to journey with you. Trust that it is God’s hand that has led you thus far, and He will ensure that you are mentored or counselled by the right person with the necessary spiritual gifts for you.

5. I am not affected by COVID-19 but I need someone to talk to. Do I send my request through Care Hub?

No, Care Hub specifically caters to those who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its ramifications. Please contact the relevant ministry that caters to your need directly. Contact details can be found at the end of this site, under ‘Our Ministries’.

PLMC Inner Healing Ministry

The PLMC Inner Healing Ministry helps individuals get to the root of things that are hindering their personal connection with God. This Ministry continues online every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. Email requests to

Pastoral Care

With the nation still facing daily infections of COVID-19, we understand that there will be anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger, helplessness and a whole slew of other emotions. As your pastors, we want you to know that we are here for you.

Need A Helping Hand To Get By Covid-19?

Find available grants, funds and packages for individuals at

Join Us On PLMC Staff

We're looking for suitable candidates to fill these positions:

  • Executive Assistant (Service Coordinator)

Job Responsibilities include:

  • Providing administrative support to the pastors and directors for the effective running of the ministries.

  • Coordinating the smooth running of service rehearsals and the worship services.

  • Preparing and disseminating the Service Order to all relevant team members (Worship Teams, Audio & Media Teams, Communications Team and Pastoral Team)

  • Ensuring timely, clear communications and coordination with the scheduled Worship/Audio/Media teams – for rehearsals and services call times.

  • Coordinating logistics for ministry events, and provide administrative support including but not limited to consolidating attendance, printing materials, ordering event supplies, and room bookings etc.

Job Requirements:

  • Pleasant disposition, resourceful, good organisational skills, able to work independently

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills and a team player

  • Proficient with “MS Office” applications, and capable to learn & use new software

  • Willing to work on Sundays

  • Experience in service/events coordinating in a church setting would be an advantage

  • Preferably bilingual (written/oral) in Chinese and English

If you are interested, please send in your full resume with expected salary & recent photograph to

We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Other positions:

  • Director of Missions

  • Director/Executive - Outreach Ministry

  • Executive - Corporate Communications

  • Ministry Executive - Mandarin Service

For more information on the job opportunities available, please visit our website at

Useful Links & Resources

Full Worship Service Available Week-Long
(From Monday 9am
to Friday 6pm)

Watch & Listen to our Sermons here:

Watch & Listen to Peranakan & Indonesian
sermons and worship videos here:

Read testimonies and stories of life in PLMC here:

Useful Links & Resources

Free Bible Lockscreens & Wallpapers

Sermon Reflections & Discussion

Prepare Yourself for Online Worship

Our Ministries

Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming

Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup

Rev Vincent Goh

Rev Christopher Chin

Assistant Pastor
Rev Jacob Lim

Assistant Pastor
Pastor Alex Chew

Ms Angelina Chew

Cell Group
Mr Jeffrey Khaw

Children’s Ministry (Silver Boxes)
Ms Carolyn Lee

Ms Amy Cheong

Mrs Florence Lim

Creative Expressions
Mr Paul Seow

Discipleship & Nurture
Mr Low Kwang Meng

Family Life Ministry
Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup

Filipino Service
Ms Daphne Thong

Ms Jessamyn Tian

Human Resources
Ms Rebecca Goh

Mandarin Service
Mrs Judith Chua

Ministry To The Visually Impaired
Mr Ng Choon Hwee

Rev Vincent Goh

Mr Lee Choon Wee

Rev Jacob Lim

Pastoral Care & Spiritual Formation
Ms Teo Soo Hoong

Rev Christopher Chin


Worship & Music
Mrs Susanna Kam

Youth Ministry
Pastor Alex Chew

Young Adults Ministry
Pastor Alex Chew