This Week in PLMC


- 19 July 2020 -

Make a Change… Love…

1 Corinthians 13:4a

Pastor Alex Chew

What Is Love?, 爱是什么?

1 Corinthians 13:4a; 哥林多前书 13:4a

Pastor Jimmy Tng, 汤才荣牧师

10.45AM / 1.30PM

Continue 'Church-at-Home'
with the little ones.

Announcements Highlights

Celebrating Holy Communion on Sunday 2 August 2020

We will be celebrating Holy Communion as a PLMC Family on Sunday 2 Aug during our English and Mandarin worship services. Please ensure that you have the Holy Communion elements with you even before the start of the services that day. Please do not use your own bread and juice for the Holy Communion. If you do not have the Holy Communion elements, we will be organising another two sessions for collection from church on Thursday 30 Jul and Saturday 1 Aug. Please register at

SkillsFuture Advice Workshop @ Paya Lebar Methodist Church (closing date: TODAY, 19 Jul)

SkillsFuture Advice Workshop @ Paya Lebar Methodist Church - The BEST Investment is YOU!

  • Saturday, 25 Jul 2020 | 10.00am-11.15am

  • Scan the QR Code or go to to register

  • Closing date: TODAY, 19 Jul 2020

Discover emerging tech disruptions, trends and desired skills for the future in this exclusive live webinar.

  • Attendees will get sponsored for ONE 1-day course

  • Find out more about subsidies for you such as the SkillsFuture Credits Top-up

  • Learn about skills-upgrading resources you can leverage on for your career

You will receive an email confirmation with your unique Join Link after registering via the link/QR code. This link is unique to you and should not be shared. The webinar will open as a tab on your internet browser when you click your Join Link.

Farewell & Thanksgiving Service for Ps Wendy Tay

With grateful hearts, we invite you to join us online for Pastor Wendy’s Farewell & Thanksgiving Service as she begins a new chapter as Pastor-in-Charge in another church from 1 August 2020. This will take place NEXT Sunday 26 July, at 2.30pm, on LIVE.PLMC.ORG

All are welcome!

Ministries Online

God Heals Today

  • Saturday, 22 Aug 2020 | 10am – 11.30am

  • Speaker: Ps Matthew Tan

The Bible says in Mark 16:17, that “these signs shall follow them that believe.” One of the signs is that of physical healing. The ministry of healing is not just reserved for the minister; it is for all Christians. This training seeks to define, demystify and demonstrate the ministry of healing. Attendees will watch a series of videos and a live Q&A session with the trainer will be arranged online.

Matthew Tan has an evangelistic ministry that is often accompanied by divine healing. Through his ministry he seeks to raise up ordinary church members to exercise their authority in Christ with confidence, love and skill, for the purpose of power evangelism.

Register at by 2 August 2020.

Silver Boxes Parents’ Portal

Have you been wanting to disciple your child at home, but feel clueless about how to start? Check out the Silver Boxes Parents’ Portal website for our very own weekly mid-week discipling packages at Parent’s Guides and resources included.

Other Announcements

The Church Office is still CLOSED for now

To stand in solidarity with the government’s efforts to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the church office will remain closed in Phase 2 of the re-opening after the Circuit Breaker until further notice. Worship services and activities like teaching classes, cell meetings, spiritual direction, counselling, and social, worship or prayer gatherings are still prohibited onsite, but are encouraged to continue online. We will continue to monitor the advisories from the government and will update you through PLMC Updates when there are any changes. In the meantime, please look out for the various online offerings by the various ministries here in PLMC TODAY.

40.Day 2020 Prayer Guide

Due to Covid-19 constraints, this year’s 40.Day prayer guide will be published online at LoveSingapore’s website The prayer entries will be made available one day at a time starting from July 1.

This year’s theme is In the Long Run, a listening journey based on the book of Hebrews.

In the first century AD and continues to this day, a highly contagious disease that is more sinister and deadly
 than Covid-19. It’s called the Pandemic of Casual Christianity.

Let’s take this journey of prayer (with fasting if possible) together with other brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ in Singapore.

Tithes & Offerings

  • PayNow or PayLah to UEN S87CC0520L

  • Bank Transfer to DBS BANK LTD 023-905121-9

  • Under Reference No. enter

    • S9 for English Service

    • MS11 for Mandarin Service

Prayer Focus: Missions

(Click arrow to expand & read more)


  1. Pray for Boonchiaw and team as they travel to Wiang Pa Pao to facilitate the ILI Regional Conference at the end of July.

  2. Pray for those newly trained by new ILI Facilitators in Chonburi, to be keen to travel and facilitate future ILI Regional Conferences.

  3. Pray for the borders to open so that Boonchiaw can return to his family in Singapore.

KG & C

  1. Pray for KG & C to discern the accuracy and relevance of information and for favour with the Thai Embassy in Singapore so that they can process their visa application.

  2. Pray for peace to be upon KG & C as they wait for the reopening of the country borders.

  3. Pray for KG & C to have clarity and make good decisions so that they can be attuned to God’s plans for their return to Thailand, and entrust the process and timing to God.


  1. Pray for God to raise leaders for the newly-founded Father’s Movement.

  2. Pray for God to provide for the graduates of the teacher training programme to start English centres for Kingdom purposes.

  3. Pray for B & L to be able to identify and train the next generation, and suitable young and God-fearing partners to take over what they are doing now.

(Click arrow to expand & read more)


  1. Pray for protection over mind, body and spirit of the believers in the university; May they shine brightly in this dark time for His glory.

  2. Pray for SKI to have opportunities to share the gospel effectively with her pre-believing students and staff, especially for her pre-believing teaching assistants.

  3. Pray that despite the pressure from the authorities, Christian students will hunger for God’s Word and grow deeper in their relationship with God.


  1. Pray for Eve to have successful and timely settling of her official dealings with her ward office and bank.

  2. Pray for Eve to have meaningful meet-ups with friends and ex-students.

  3. Pray for Eve to have God’s assurance and peace with regards to her re-entry back to Singapore.

  4. Pray for Eve’s health as the summer weather gets hotter and they are seeing an increase of Covid-19 infection numbers.


  1. Praise God for His protection and providence that allowed the Songs to continue with work despite many Covid-19 restrictions. Pray for some strategic trainings in July to bear much fruit.

  2. Please continue to pray for the NW-TAN families with three young sons to overcome health issues and be encouraged.

(Click arrow to expand & read more)


  1. Pray for Zahra (newly-wed) and her husband to adjust to each other in this first year of marriage.

  2. Pray for Zahra and her husband to be able to fly back to Apple City on 1 August (flight was rescheduled) and opening of borders in the country.

  3. Pray for the new teachers to have their visas approved and for the preparation of the new school term (2020-2021).

Click arrow to expand & read more)

Fellowship of Evangelical Students – Siah May Lan

  1. Pray for May Lan’s mother, much continued grace from God and good health, to be able to cope with being caregiver for her husband and healing of his worsening dementia.

  2. Pray for the online publicity for the FES new Morph missions training to be launched successfully in July and good response of student sign ups by end September.

Navigators Singapore – Roger Yeo

  1. Pray for the key members (K, A, H & J) in the ministry to continue to grow in the Lord and be willing to give of themselves to the work of the gospel.

  2. Pray for Roger and Pearlyn to continue to have patience and stay disciplined, in the midst of a different ministry outworking during this Covid-19 period.

CRU – Nigel Ho

  1. Pray for God to lead Nigel in the transitions of his personal ministry and life.

  2. Pray for Nigel, God’s financial providence for his family.

Wycliffe Singapore – Grace Tan

  1. Praise God that Grace has completed the June Zoom sessions of her Africa course. Pray for Grace as she catches up with her assignments, and the course itself as the organisation figures out how to continue with the current pandemic, as they are supposed to have visits and practicums which are not possible now.

  2. Pray for Grace as she has committed herself as bailor for her cleaning lady’s son. Pray for wisdom and that things will go well for him and for his family, and also for Grace.

  3. Pray for the handover of the R200 initiative at Wycliffe. Pray that it will go smoothly and all the R200 field projects will do well.

YWAM Singapore – Tessa Choo

  1. Pray as Tessa and her team resume “house of prayer” at a religious quarter in Singapore. They sense the Lord wants them to keep pressing into prayer, worship and evangelism amongst the many unreached in the area.

  2. Pray for Tessa and her team wisdom and the revelation of Jesus as they go through a ‘contextualized’ discipleship program with an uncle who is seeking for truth in the upcoming weeks.

YWAM Singapore – Beatrice Wee

  1. Pray for wisdom and guidance from God, and courage to step out of her comfort zone.

  2. Pray for grace and healing over her neck as she experiences pain there.

Care & Healing

Care Hub (English & Chinese)

Care Hub is formed to support and journey alongside our members / worshippers whose lives and livelihoods have been affected by this crisis. The end goal of Care Hub is pastoral care, for someone to journey with them and remind them they are beloved of God and to find strength in God to face the challenges.

As each individual has different needs, Care Hub serves as a one-stop helpline where an individual can obtain support in the church in various areas. If you have been affected by this crisis, Care Hub is here to support you.
English version.:
Chinese version.:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to be a worshipper at PLMC to obtain help for Care Hub?

As long as you have been worshipping with us, either on-site or online, you are welcome to obtain help from Care Hub. We seek to journey with you as a family of faith during, and beyond, the COVID-19 period.

2. Is it compulsory for a Care Befriender to journey with me?

Yes, it is. We are not designed to journey alone. The church is the Body of Christ and each of us is a part of the body. Having a Care Befriender in this journey is to experience the community and interdependence of our Triune God. God is never alone; we need others too.

3. How long will the Care Befriender journey with me?

Each person has a different journey. Each journey is unique. In general, the Care Befriender will journey with you 3 – 6 months. Let these be a meaningful journey of deepening in God through the company of another.

4. Can I request for pastor to be my spiritual mentor/counsellor?

Yes, you can make the request, but we are all called to be a priesthood of believers hence most likely a mature believer will be assigned to journey with you. Trust that it is God’s hand that has led you thus far, and He will ensure that you are mentored or counselled by the right person with the necessary spiritual gifts for you.

5. I am not affected by COVID-19 but I need someone to talk to. Do I send my request through Care Hub?

No, Care Hub specifically caters to those who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its ramifications. Please contact the relevant ministry that caters to your need directly. Contact details can be found at the end of this site, under ‘Our Ministries’.

Pastoral Care

With the nation still facing daily infections of COVID-19, we understand that there will be anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger, helplessness and a whole slew of other emotions. As your pastors, we want you to know that we are here for you.

PLMC Inner Healing Ministry

PLMC Inner Healing Ministry continues online on second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7.30pm. Email requests to

National Care Hotline

If you need someone to talk to about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted you and your family, your job and your future, you can call the National Care Hotline which has been set-up by MSF at 62026868.

Job Opportunities

There are vacancies for various positions at Covenant Community Methodist Church. Please go to this link for details

MWS CFSC Requests for Support

Some of the beneficiaries of MWS Covenant Family Service Centre (CFSC) have requested for the following items. If you would like to donate the items, please contact Yi Li of CFSC at 6282 8558.

  • Fridge

  • Dining table

  • Sofa

  • Cupboard

  • Double-Decker bed

  • Baby pram

MWS Covenant Family Service Centre would like to thank the PLMC members who responded to our requests for baby walker and rice cooker, as well as PLMC WSCS for donating microwave ovens, rice cooker, blender, washing machine, drawers & towels. Thank you all for your generous donations to meet our beneficiaries' needs!
God bless.

Our congratulations to: Mr Daniel Richards & Ms Joann Ong who were united in Holy Matrimony on 11 Jul 2020.

Our condolences to the families of the late:

  • Mr Chua Cheng Juay

  • Mr Yeo Chiang Beng

Useful Links & Resources

Full Worship Service Available
(From Monday 9am
to Friday 6pm)

Watch & Listen to our
Sermons in the library here:

Watch & Listen to Peranakan & Indonesian
sermons and worship videos here:

Read the testimonies and stories of life

Luke Bible Reading Plan

Heartbeat ISSUE 174 :: APR 2020

Useful Links & Resources

Free Bible Lockscreens & Wallpapers

Sermon Reflections & Discussion

Prepare Yourself for Online Worship

Our Ministries

Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming

Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup

Rev Vincent Goh

Rev Christopher Chin

Rev Wendy Tay

Assistant Pastor
Rev Jacob Lim

Assistant Pastor
Pastor Alex Chew

Ms Jessamyn Tian

Cell Group
Mr Jeffrey Khaw

Children’s Ministry (Silver Boxes)
Ms Carolyn Lee

Ms Amy Cheong

Mrs Florence Lim

Creative Expressions
Mr Paul Seow

Discipleship & Nurture
Mr Low Kwang Meng

Family Life Ministry
Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup

Filipino Service
Ms Daphne Thong

Mandarin Service
Mrs Judith Chua

Ministry To The Visually Impaired
Mr Ng Choon Hwee

Pastor Alex Chew

Mr Lee Choon Wee

Rev Jacob Lim

Pastoral Care & Spiritual Formation
Ms Teo Soo Hoong

Rev Christopher Chin


Worship & Music
Mrs Susanna Kam

Youth Ministry
Rev Wendy Tay

Young Adults Ministry
Pastor Alex Chew