Hebrews 10:24-25

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

PLMC TODAY - All you need to know for a vibrant church life in one place.

This Week in PLMC


- 19 April 2020 -



Genesis 41:39-43


(Preached by Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming)

After having been a lawyer for more than 25 years, Ps Moh Ying left legal practice in 2004 in response to a call to enter into full time ministry. She currently serves as Executive Pastor at “My Father’s House” church.

She holds a doctoral degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in the area of discipleship and spiritual formation for a postmodern world. In her spare time, she enjoys travelling, discovering new things and doting on her 2 little granddaughters Shiloh (13 months) and Eliya (7 months).



创世记 Genesis 42:1-5


10.45AM / 1.30PM

Continue 'Church-at-Home' with the little ones.

Online resources are available below:

Church Announcements


We give thanks and praise to Jehovah Rapha, our Healer Lord for the recovery of the 71-year-old grandfather (aka Case 41) who worships at PLMC. All glory to God who has heard the cries and prayers of His people and answers in His good time.

The grandfather has sent us a beautiful thank you note which we publish here:

Dear Pastors, Leaders, Brothers and Sisters,

I sincerely thank all of you for upholding me in prayer during my hospitalisation. Thank you for persevering in unceasing prayer, asking God for His mercy to release His healing touch upon me.

God had heard and answered your prayers, I am healed from COVID-19 and restored to health!

For 67 days, I was fighting for my life and recuperating in TTSH and finally, I was able to be discharged and returned to be with my loving family on 14 Apr.

Without your selfless support, without this faithful and merciful God, I would not be who I am -- a renewed person today!

Thank you Lord, all glory be unto You! Hallelujah!

With the nation-wide closure of all non-essential businesses and offices including our Church Office, we understand that there will be anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger, helplessness and a whole slew of other emotions.

As your pastors, we want you to know that we are here for you.

  • You can email us at pastors@plmc.org or call us at 6285 1234

  • Send prayer requests to prayernet@plmc.org.

  • Please stay home as much as possible.

  • Maintain safe distancing and good hygiene practices.

  • Fellowship online or through calls, praying and encouraging one another.

  • If you need to go out, wear a mask and see a doctor even if you are mildly unwell.

  • If you are concerned about any symptoms you may have, refer to sgcovidcheck.com and seek appropriate care.

Circuit Breaker Devotions With Your Pastors​

If you have missed the online videos of our Pastors connecting with you through the sharing of devotions daily from 8.00am this past week on PLMC Facebook, don’t miss this week’s!

Using ROAD, do your devotions on the day’s passage in the Bible Reading Plan. You’ll get to share what the Lord has spoken to you about the daily passage of scripture, and engage with others on their comments, too.

Simply search PLMC or Paya Lebar Methodist Church on Facebook, or click on the Facebook link at the top right corner of the page if you are watching us from live.plmc.org.

Alternatively, click the button below to visit the Facebook Playlist.


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  • Bank Transfer to DBS BANK LTD 023-905121-9

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    • S9 for English Service, S92O

    • MS11 for Mandarin Service



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  • Pray for the spiritual growth of the members of God is Good Church, Bueng Kan even though church services have been suspended. Pray that the set up of cell groups will go well and that the members will not be averse to using telecommuting during this period.

  • Praise God for the people who ceaselessly travel from Chonburi to Bueng Kan to serve and do visitations. Pray for journey mercies as they travel at least 150 km each week.

  • Pray for Boonchiaw to have good health as he stays on in Chonburi and will travel again to Bueng Kan in May 2020.

KG & C

  • Pray for God’s protection, wisdom, peace and strength upon the students as the air pollution has reached the “Hazardous” range and the country has declared state of emergency since 25 March

  • Praise God for modern day technology as KG & C are able to be in communication with the students to render them support, concern and to encourage them, while in Singapore.

  • Pray for them to be refreshed and recharged while on home-leave.


  • Pray for the believers to grow in faith, hope and love, and that they will know how to serve their families and friends in this pandemic.

  • Pray for the believers, wisdom to share the reason for the hope that we have as there has been an increase of people seeking answers during this time.

  • Pray for faith and perseverance for both teacher trainees and trainers to work on the TESOL course during this period.


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  • Pray for protection over the mind, body and spirit of the believing staff to cope well with the added workload, ever adding and changing demands from the authorities.

  • Pray for SKI a clear mind, wisdom, energy, knowledge and lots of love to supervise 15 thesis students. Pray that the students will personally encounter God’s leading hands and be touched by God’s amazing grace in this challenging season.

  • Pray for the opening of the spiritual eyes of the 3 pre-believing teaching assistants’ as this is their last semester.


  • Eve gives thanks to God for a deeper appreciation of God’s presence and the importance of the gospel this season.

  • Pray for Eve to share the gospel bolding and lovingly to her colleagues and students and any others that she may have meaningful conversations with.


  • Praise God for God’s protection over the Songs, their co-workers, the TANers and their families. Thank God for the internet that has enabled ministries to continue online and virtually.

  • Pray for the Songs and their co-workers to find creative ways for ministries in these days of social distancing and gathering restrictions. Pray for church members to stay firm in their faith.


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  • Pray for Zahra to stay healthy physically, emotionally and psychologically even as the country has implemented restricted movements within 2 km radius outside the home.

  • Pray for Zahra’s students to stay motivated and manage home-based learning well for the upcoming term. Pray for Zahra to have wisdom for lesson planning whilst she continues to build relationships with the locals.

  • Pray for the travel ban for foreigners traveling to Singapore to be lifted at the end of May.


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  • Pray for May Lan’s father speedy healing and recovery from hip fracture surgery post-surgery and 3 months of good rehabilitation program at St Luke’s for the mobility of his legs.

  • Pray for May Lan God’s continual sustaining grace & strength so that she can cope with being the caregiver for her dad & working from home.


  • Pray for the key members in the ministry to live lives worthy of the gospel of Christ, standing firm in one spirit, striving side by side for the faith of the gospel. (Philippians 1:27)

  • Pray that as Roger and Pearlyn embark on developing some projects for the Kingdom, they would have the capacity, perseverance and right perspective to bring it to completion.


  • Pray for God to lead Nigel and his wife in family planning.

  • Pray for God’s mercy and grace upon His people during the Covid-19 situation and that ministry will go on in His power.

Thank you for your partnership in prayer!


Click below for online every Sunday at 9am (English) & 11.15am (Mandarin):

Watch & Listen to our Sermons in the library here:

Everyday at 8am, on Mondays to Saturdays, you're invited to do Facebook devotions with your pastors using the R.O.A.D Bible Reading Plan.

Genesis Bible Reading Plan

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ISSUE 174 :: APR 2020

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Living Out Hebrews 10:24-25

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

We know a lot of our messaging these past weeks, based on the government advisories, have led to a bit of confusion as at first, we could meet in groups no bigger than 250, then a maximum of 10, and now only with our immediate families.

We thank God for technology that has allowed us to meet online. It wasn't too long ago that we were thrilled by WhatsApp and video calls which are now part of everyday life. So let's continue to "meet together" online.

We can also "spur one another on" through social media, messaging apps, and good old telephone calls.

Our Ministries

Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Email: smkow@plmc.org

Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup
Email: weebh@plmc.org

Rev Christopher Chin
Email: chris@plmc.org

Rev Wendy Tay
Email: wendytay@plmc.org

Assistant Pastor
Rev Jacob Lim
Email: jacoblim@plmc.org

Assistant Pastor
Pastor Alex Chew
Email: alexchew@plmc.org

Ms Jessamyn Tian
Email: admin@plmc.org

Cell Group
Mr Jeffrey Khaw
Email: cellministry@plmc.org

Children’s Ministry (Silver Boxes)
Ms Carolyn Lee
Email: children@plmc.org

Ms Amy Cheong
Email: communications@plmc.org

Creative Expressions
Mr Paul Seow
Email: paul@plmc.org

Discipleship & Nurture
Mr Low Kwang Meng
Email: nurture@plmc.org

Family Life Ministry
Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup
Email: weebh@plmc.org

Filipino Service
Ms Daphne Thong
Email: filipino@plmc.org

Mandarin Service
Mrs Judith Chua
Email: livingstones@plmc.org

Ministry To The Visually Impaired
Mr Ng Choon Hwee
Email: mvi@plmc.org

Pastor Alex Chew
Email: missions@plmc.org

Mr Lee Choon Wee
Email: leechoonwee@plmc.org

Rev Jacob Lim
Email: outreach@plmc.org

Pastoral Care & Spiritual Formation
Ms Teo Soo Hoong
Email: pastoralcare@plmc.org

Rev Christopher Chin
Email: prayernet@plmc.org

Email: testimonies@plmc.org

Worship & Music
Mrs Susanna Kam
Email: worship@plmc.org

Youth Ministry
Rev Wendy Tay
Email: youth@plmc.org

Young Adults Ministry
Pastor Alex Chew
Email: youngadults@plmc.org