This Week in PLMC


- 13 September 2020 -

Deeper in Spirit 1: The Holy Spirit in the Synoptic Gospels

Luke 4:16-21

Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming

God's Family, The Foundation Of Discipleship; 神的家族, 成长的根基

Ephesians; 以弗所书; 3:16-19

Mr Joseph Chean, 钱进伦传道

10.45AM / 1.30PM

Continue 'Church-at-Home'
with the little ones.

Announcement Highlights

Congratulations to Bishop Elect Rev Dr Gordon Wong

On 7 September 2020, Rev Dr Gordon Wong, current TRAC President, was elected as the next Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore at the 12th Session of the General Conference. He takes over from Bishop Chong Chin Chung and will be consecrated on 4 December 2020.

We rejoice with Rev Dr Wong and congratulate him on this new appointment. Let us continue to pray for the Holy Spirit’s leading and guiding upon him as he faces new challenges and responsibilities, and we pledge our support and care for him and his office.


The Paya Lebar Methodist Church Bursary aims to help children from low to mid-income families especially those who are affected by COVID-19 pandemic, and is open only to PLMC members and regular worshippers. The application period is between 1 and 30 September 2020.

Please click HERE for the Bursary Application Form. For more information, please email

Baptism, Membership & Confirmation

Adult/Youth Baptism & Membership Class ( Registration Closing Date: TODAY, 13 Sep)

If you desire to be baptised, confirmed &/or transferred as a PLMC member, please download the Baptism and Membership form and submit it to Andy at Your completed application form should reach us by
TODAY, 13 Sep 2020 (latest).
Download Adult Baptism Form:
Download Youth Baptism Form:


  • Attend all the BMC Sessions (via Zoom) on 26 Sep, 3, 24, 31 Oct, 7 & 21 Nov (10am to 12pm).

  • Participate in a Ministry Weekend (assigned to attend one on either 10 or 17 Oct 9am-2.30pm).

  • Join a PLMC Cell Group.

Combined Baptism Service: Sunday, 29 Nov 2020 (afternoon)
Confirmation Service: Sunday, 13 Dec 2020 (During Worship Services)

Infant & Child Baptism Class

If you desire to have your child/children be baptised, please download and submit the Infant Baptism and Membership form to Andy at Your completed application form should reach us by 25 Oct 2020 (latest).

Download Infant Baptism Form:


  • Attend the Infant/Child Baptism Class on Mon 9 Nov 7.30-9.30pm. You will be advised on the venue.

  • One parent must have already been baptised or attending the present BMC.

Infant Baptism Service: Sunday, 20 Dec 2020 (during Worship Service)

Please contact Andy at for further enquiries.

Ministry Online

Livingstones 20th Anniversary Service 20 Sep 2020

Our Mandarin Service will be celebrating her 20th Anniversary next Sunday 20 Sep 2020. Praise God for growing a small fellowship group to where she is today! As the ministry enters into a new season, we trust that God will continue to do mighty work in our midst and draw more people to Himself! Join us in celebrating this special milestone on 20 Sep 2020. 11.15am at

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (October 2020 – January 2021)

Experience 15 powerful lessons that have equipped thousands of everyday believers worldwide with greater vision, hope, and passion. In Perspectives, scripture, history, culture, and strategy converge to reveal the unfolding of God’s redemptive purposes. God is on a mission to bless the peoples of the earth, and you are invited to join Him.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the class will be conducted online. Each lesson will include:

1. A pre-recorded video,

2. A “live” Zoom session, including interactive Q&A with a guest instructor, discussion in small groups, and prayer,

3. Reading and reflection assignments.

The first “live” Zoom session will be held on Sunday 4 October 2020, 2–3pm.

For more information and to register, please visit Registration closes 1 Oct 2020.

Silver Boxes Parents’ Portal

Have you been wanting to disciple your child at home, but feel clueless about how to start? Check out the Silver Boxes Parents’ Portal website for our very own weekly mid-week discipling packages at Parent’s Guides and resources included.

Other Announcements

Last Local Conference 2020

Owing to the dangers posed by the infectious disease known as COVID-19 and the safe distancing restrictions in force in Singapore to minimise further spread, and in accordance with the authority vested in the Local Church Executive Committee (“LCEC”) by ¶306A.4 of The Book of Discipline, Notice is hereby given that the Last Local Conference of Paya Lebar Methodist Church has been called by the LCEC to be held wholly by way of electronic means on 22 September 2020 at 7.30pm to transact the following business:

1. Confirmation and Adoption of Minutes of the First Local Conference 2020 held on 28 January 2020

2. Matters Arising from the above Minutes

3. Receive and Adopt the 2019/2020 Reports of Paya Lebar Methodist Church

4. Recommendation for Renewal of Local Preacher’s Licences

5. Any Other Business

Do keep the Last Local Conference and our church leadership in prayer.

Notice of PLMC WSCS 84th AGM

Owing to the dangers posed by COVID-19 and the safe distancing restrictions in force in Singapore to minimise further spread, and in accordance with the authority vested in the Local Women’s Society of Christian Service (“Paya Lebar Methodist Church WSCS”) by ¶805A.4 of The Book of Discipline (as enacted by the EOGM for the General Conference – WSCS held on 19 August 2020), notice is hereby given that the AGM of PLMC - WSCS has been called by the Executive Committee to be held wholly by way of electronic means on 19 September 2020 at 2pm to 4pm, to transact the following business:

1. Receive the reports of the Executive Committee Officers

2. To adopt the Audited Treasurer’s Report

3. Election of Office Bearers for the next term – 2020-2022

4. Any Other Business


MCS General Conference

The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS) will be holding its Twelfth Session of the General Conference (GC) from 7–11 September 2020 and 2–4 December 2020 via Zoom.

Items you can pray for:

  • Logistics and preparation for online meetings, including all technical details and measures required

  • Elections of major office-holders such as the Bishop, and Chairpersons of various Councils that oversee the church's work over the next four years

  • Decisions made on behalf of the MCS, such as matters of church law and policy, including amendments to The Book of Discipline, which are debated and discussed before being accepted

  • Delivery of reports on work done the last four years and the plans for the coming four years and beyond

  • Good health, protection and alertness of the delegates and supporting staff, that the proceedings may be carried out smoothly and thoroughly

Methodist Message Online (September Issue)

Methodist Message continues to bring to you important MCS updates and thought-provoking editorial pieces. The September issue is now out!

If you would like to subscribe to MM online, it is free AND easy to get onboard! Sign up here at today!

Tithes & Offerings

  • PayNow or PayLah to UEN S87CC0520L

  • Bank Transfer to DBS BANK LTD 023-905121-9

  • Under Reference No. enter

    • S9 for English Service

    • MS11 for Mandarin Service

Prayer Focus


Prayer for Community

  • Pray for the Christmas Outreach planning committees. As we plan for the outreach events for the community and the underprivileged this Christmas, pray for wisdom in planning and creative ways to share the Christmas cheer and message to the community. May our Lord Jesus be pleased with our worship as we work as a family at PLMC to bless those He cares for as we make known His salvation to the community and all the beneficiaries through the demonstration of love and power in all we do.

  • Pray for good working relationships with our community agencies and partners, that we can work together to bless the community this Christmas.

Prayer for individuals

  • Pray for those who have lost their jobs, that God will open doors of opportunity and great possibilities as they find new employment and or get re-trained to join a new industry.

  • Pray for members of PLMC who own businesses. Pray that God will bless and enlarge their businesses. May the hand of God be with each business owner to lead and guide them in His wisdom and may their businesses thrive and prosper this season. May they in turn be a blessing to the community so that many will be able to keep their jobs.

Pray for Outreach Ministry Agencies/Partners

St Luke’s Eldercare Centre

  • As we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with the elderly at the three St Luke’s Eldercare centres, pray that every individual will come to know how much God loves and longs for each individual to return back to Him. Pray for a personal encounter with our Lord Jesus and that hearts will be open to receiving Him.

Anglican Family Centre and Hope Student Care Centre

  • Pray for all our children whom we are reaching out to, especially those who are taking their PSLE. Pray for the ability to apply what’s learned to what’s being tested. Pray for Holy Spirit’s guidance and wisdom as they study for
    the exams.

Thank you for partnering us in prayer!

Care & Healing

Jobs Portal for Employers (with Jobs Listings)

COVID-19 has brought about an unprecedented economic crisis affecting lives and livelihoods. Yet, in every crisis, there is an opportunity to demonstrate Christian love and unity.
If you are a business owner or working in a company seeking to employ new staff, and wish to advertise the available positions, please fill in the job details of the vacancies in this link: A listing of the available positions can be found here

Care Hub (English & Chinese)

Care Hub is formed to support and journey alongside our members / worshippers whose lives and livelihoods have been affected by this crisis. The end goal of Care Hub is pastoral care, for someone to journey with them and remind them they are beloved of God and to find strength in God to face the challenges.

As each individual has different needs, Care Hub serves as a one-stop helpline where an individual can obtain support in the church in various areas. If you have been affected by this crisis, Care Hub is here to support you.
English version.:
Chinese version.:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to be a worshipper at PLMC to obtain help for Care Hub?

As long as you have been worshipping with us, either on-site or online, you are welcome to obtain help from Care Hub. We seek to journey with you as a family of faith during, and beyond, the COVID-19 period.

2. Is it compulsory for a Care Befriender to journey with me?

Yes, it is. We are not designed to journey alone. The church is the Body of Christ and each of us is a part of the body. Having a Care Befriender in this journey is to experience the community and interdependence of our Triune God. God is never alone; we need others too.

3. How long will the Care Befriender journey with me?

Each person has a different journey. Each journey is unique. In general, the Care Befriender will journey with you 3 – 6 months. Let these be a meaningful journey of deepening in God through the company of another.

4. Can I request for pastor to be my spiritual mentor/counsellor?

Yes, you can make the request, but we are all called to be a priesthood of believers hence most likely a mature believer will be assigned to journey with you. Trust that it is God’s hand that has led you thus far, and He will ensure that you are mentored or counselled by the right person with the necessary spiritual gifts for you.

5. I am not affected by COVID-19 but I need someone to talk to. Do I send my request through Care Hub?

No, Care Hub specifically caters to those who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its ramifications. Please contact the relevant ministry that caters to your need directly. Contact details can be found at the end of this site, under ‘Our Ministries’.

PLMC Inner Healing Ministry

The PLMC Inner Healing Ministry helps individuals get to the root of things that are hindering their personal connection with God. This Ministry continues online every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. Email requests to

Pastoral Care

With the nation still facing daily infections of COVID-19, we understand that there will be anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger, helplessness and a whole slew of other emotions. As your pastors, we want you to know that we are here for you.

Need A Helping Hand To Get By Covid-19?

Find available grants, funds and packages for individuals at

Our condolences to the families of the late:

  • Mr Peter Lim Soo Hock

  • Mr Chua Yiang Seng

Useful Links & Resources

Full Worship Service Available Week-Long
(From Monday 9am
to Friday 6pm)

Watch & Listen to our
Sermons in the library here:

Watch & Listen to Peranakan & Indonesian
sermons and worship videos here:

Useful Links & Resources

Free Bible Lockscreens & Wallpapers

Sermon Reflections & Discussion

Prepare Yourself for Online Worship

Our Ministries

Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming

Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup

Rev Vincent Goh

Rev Christopher Chin

Assistant Pastor
Rev Jacob Lim

Assistant Pastor
Pastor Alex Chew

Ms Jessamyn Tian

Cell Group
Mr Jeffrey Khaw

Children’s Ministry (Silver Boxes)
Ms Carolyn Lee

Ms Amy Cheong

Mrs Florence Lim

Creative Expressions
Mr Paul Seow

Discipleship & Nurture
Mr Low Kwang Meng

Family Life Ministry
Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup

Filipino Service
Ms Daphne Thong

Mandarin Service
Mrs Judith Chua

Ministry To The Visually Impaired
Mr Ng Choon Hwee

Rev Vincent Goh

Mr Lee Choon Wee

Rev Jacob Lim

Pastoral Care & Spiritual Formation
Ms Teo Soo Hoong

Rev Christopher Chin


Worship & Music
Mrs Susanna Kam

Youth Ministry
Pastor Alex Chew

Young Adults Ministry
Pastor Alex Chew