Week Two activities

Activity One

Watch the video and answer the questions:


1. Write one paragraph that describes travel during the ‘age of exploration’. (hint… food, fears, motivation, conflicts)

2. Based on information from the video and your knowledge of this time period. Write a paragraph on why the age of exploration was a good thing for the world.

3. Connecting exploration to the global covid-19 pandemic, explain in a few sentences how this virus was able to spread around the world in such a short amount of time.

Activity two:

Capitalism is based on idea of private ownership of the means of production – meaning private owners make decisions about what to produce, when to produce, what to pay workers, and how much products should cost, these decisions either help a business succeed or cause it to fail. Read the article below where the focus is on how the current covd-19 pandemic is affecting private ownership and ultimately the world economy.

read the following article and answer the questions in full sentences.

1. Based on the article do you think that individual companies are doing enough to support their employees during this pandemic.

2. Provide two examples from within the article of companies that you believe are doing enough and what they are doing.

3. Why would companies hire more employees during a time when people are encouraged or even required to stay at home? Provide two examples from within the article.

Activity three

Current events. This is a weekly activity.

Name: ______________________

Directions: Choose an interesting and relevant news story. You can choose from omaha.com, cnn10.com, or any other website that has news content. First, write the headline of your story along with where you found it. Next, summarize the story in a paragraph. Email your teacher with any questions.

1 - MONDAY: (date)

News Story and Source

Summary (minimum of 2 sentences)


News Story and Source

Summary (minimum of 2 sentences)


News Story and Source

Summary (minimum of 2 sentences)