week one material

Email to your teacher by Friday, 4/3/20

We are certainly living through a historic moment currently with the COVID-19 situation that keeps us all from school. As we learned before Spring Break, the world was also engulfed in a pandemic shortly after WWI. This became known as the Spanish Flu and it is estimated to have killed between 50-100 million people worldwide. This week's extension acvities involve connecting what we are curently living through, with the Spanish Flu of 1918 and other pandemics that we have studied like the Black Plague.

Activity 1: the spanish flu in nebraska

Read the attached article (red link below) and answer the following questions:

  1. Why was this strain of flu unusual?

  2. Why did it get the name "Spanish Flu", despite not originating in Spain?

  3. What methods were used to control the spread of the flu? How are they similar to what is currently being used to fight the spread of Coronavirus?

  4. Who was arrested in Gering on December 2nd and why?

  5. Approximately how many Omahans died of the Spanish flu? How many Nebraskans?

  6. Were Nebraska's records regarding the Spanish flu very accurate? Expalin why or why not.

Activity 2: video

Watch the following video and :

  1. Explain how the U.S. government mismanaged the 1918 epidemic.

  2. How do you think our government is responding to the current situation?

Activity 3: Current events

This will be a weekly activity

Name: ______________________

Directions: Choose an interesting and relevant news story. You can choose from omaha.com, cnn10.com, or any other website that has news content. First, write the headline of your story along with where you found it. Next, summarize the story in a paragraph. Email your teacher with any questions.

1 - MONDAY: (date)

News Story and Source

Summary (minimum of 2 sentences)


News Story and Source

Summary (minimum of 2 sentences)


News Story and Source

Summary (minimum of 2 sentences)