week 3 materials

Everything should be emailed to your teacher by Friday, 4/17. You should get an email invite to a zoom meeting Friday. A techer can answer any questions you have then, or feel free to email your teacher during the week while you are working. You can write the answers on a notepad, type them up, or any other method which works for you. NO CURRENT EVENTS THIS WEEK as these questions seem like plenty of work for you. :)

This week we are starting new material. This coorsponds to Chapter 16 in the text if you have one at home. If not, do not worry: everything you need is right here. Below is a Googleslides presentation that will answer all of your questions for the week. If you do not have a gmail address, the pdf is below.

Rise of the Dictators.pptx

Here are your questions to answer for the week.

Questions for Rise of the Dictators; Chapter 16

16-3 questions Mussolini

1. Who ruled Italy during this time?

2. What political party did he start? (starts with an f)

3. What were Mussolini’s violent supporters called?

4. What event happened in 1922 when, after a long march, the king gave power to Mussolini?

5. What title did Mussloini take?

6. What did Mussolini take under state control?

7. What were women given who gave birth to 14 or more children?

8. Define totalitarian state:

9. What are some characteristics of fascism?

Fill in the chart: Fascism Communism Both

Questions for 16-4 Stalin

1. Define command economy

2. What were Stalin’s 5 year plans?

3. Stalin took over industry and agriculture. What were large, state-owned farms called?

4. What group of wealthy farmers did Stalin think turned against him?

5. What did Stalin use to ensure obedience?

6. What was the Great Purge?

7. Define Russification:

8. What was the state religion during this time?

9. List three positive things about Stalin’s rule.

10. List three negative things about Stalin’s rule.

11. What group was formed that wanted to aid other countries to rise up and become communist?

16-5 Hitler

1. What war was Hitler a veteran of?

2. What was the name of the German government that led after WW2?

3. What treaty did that government sign that enraged the German people? (it was the treaty that ended WWI)

4. The German government printed money to pay of WWI fines known as reparations. What did this do to their economy?

5. What political party did Hitler form?

6. What were some of the goals of the Nazi party?

7. What is a Fuhrer?

8. Hitler told the German people that he would bring back the Third Reich. What were each of the three reichs?

1st Reich:

2nd Reich:

3rd Reich:

9. What did the SS and Gestapo do?

10. What were the Nuremburg laws?

11. What was the Night of Broken Glass?

12. Who were the Nazi Youth?

Here is a pdf of the powerpoint