Step 6: Content Builds

Week 6 Checklist

  1. Check newlsetter email for week 6
  2. Watch launch video
  3. Listen to the podcast about confidence and share your thoughts.
  4. Complete challenge 1
  5. Complete challenge 2
  6. Complete challenge 3
  7. Design an activity to be shared with all!
  8. Explore, use, and create quick build ideas!

All learning will be shared here to this Flipgrid

Your Flip Code is pplego and here is a direct link to the Grid:

Also, here is a direct link to this new Topic:

Week 6: Connecting to Content

What is Confidence?

LEGO Education Links

Students’ confidence in their ability to learn and solve problems sets them up for lifelong success. Read More >

See our Confidence Building Classroom Activities for various grade levels

Connecting Confidence with Universal Constructs

I believe this Universal Construct requires confidence in order for a learner to be able to develop these skills and mindsets. This is why I am sharing this final construct here with content and confidence.


Flexibility and adaptability include responding and adjusting to situational needs, and changing to meet the challenges of new roles, paradigms and environments. Flexibility and adaptability include the thoughtful balance between an individual’s core beliefs and appropriate reaction to change. These dispositions are nurtured through lifelong learning and continuous improvement. Twenty-first century flexibility and adaptability reflect:

  • engagement in innovation and creativity.
  • intellectual agility.
  • embracing change.
  • expecting and accepting the emotions inherent in change while supporting those who are involved.
  • respect for unique qualities of others and self.
  • purposeful and thoughtful response to disruptions.
  • acknowledging and responding to dissonance in productive ways.
  • the potential for positive and negative outcomes in risk-taking.
  • proactive and reactive approaches to change.
  • acknowledging ambiguity is inherent in a changing environment.

Podcast on CONFIDENCE in STEM Learning Spaces

Discussion about Confidence

094: Purposeful Play with LEGO - CONFIDENCE(or lackthereof)

Content Challenge #1: Enchanted Forest

Literacy and Universal Constructs

Here is an example activity combing teamwork, collaboration, and creative writing to showcase how we can take the power of play and combine with the standards we are expected to teach.

Slidedeck can be found here

Content Challenge #2: Make Writing Activity

Rewriting Perspective

This was a phenomenal activity done with 8th grade students a few years back. The goal was to remix how to engage students in writing. In this case we built a rough draft through a specific structure instead of writing a rough draft. Kids were amazed when they discovered they created their whole story through this process.

Everything documented here for you to access and use.

Content Challenge #3: Math Lesson

Brick Math

Don't forget the podcast from week 4. If you are looking for something besides writing, then test out one of the ideas from their curriculum.

All information here in Week 4

And if you need a bit of confidence, I taught a 6th grade math lesson a few years back using LEGO and Minecraft which was way out of my comfort zone.

Minecraft Education and LEGO to Enhance Math Learning

Content Challenge #4: Design a Challenge for YOU and OTHERS!

I have worked to develop a slidedeck that can be used to organize an activity that can benefit everyone. For this challenge, I am asking that everyone use this template to keep things consistent that will allow all of us to benefit.

Here is a look at the template

I have made an editable one here that will force a copy of the slides for you to edit as needed with your own challenge


I am asking that you develop one challenge for your classrom and then to share it with me. I will house all ideas here on this page so we can all have access and have a nice library of ideas.

Here is a video explaining how this works in case you need some guidance.

Crowdsourced Activity Lessons

Enchanted Forest

Quick One Slide Build Ideas To Be Remixed

Here is access to the slidedeck of images below. Some of these have additional details in the notes.

If you have a quick build you would like to add, then please request access so I can give you editing rights to add.

These are ideas that you can use in any classroom. Yes, you might have to edit the prompt to fit your needs. Yes, they are not perfect. Yes, they are engaging and can be used to understand learning of the students.

If you have questions, then please reach out and ask. The key is capturing the learning. Here are some options

  • Students share in groups to discuss with peers. No documentation needed if you don't need to collect the thoughts.
  • Use Flipgrid, set video to 30 seconds and have them explain the model based on the prompt
  • Take a picture, load to Google Slides or tool of choice and have them write in notes or label on the screen
  • Class share out
  • Stations - students explain in the station
  • Blog

Content Build Challenge

The constraints in this build are the point in the learning. Students will use this method as a good self check to see where they are in their learning.

Have them reflect on the following

1. What do I already know? This is what they build!

2. What don't I know? This is the part that helps them visually see what they are not able to construct. Have them make notes on the paper or use Post-Its to label their learning.

3. Have students rotate around to have students explain their builds. When students ask questions they don't have answers to, then this is a good time to capture that question and continue to develop their learning.

You could have them continue to build over time if you have enough LEGO pieces so they can visually see their learning grow and develop.


Great Northern War

French Revolution

French Revolution

Freddie Mercury

Connect With Others

Besides the awesome sharing taking place on Flipgrid and Google Slides, we also need a place to communicate and chat.

Don't forget to head over to this page where you can join our Twitter hashtag, Facebook Group, Google Photo Album and more.

Let's stay connected to empower one another