What if I want to use WeDo 2.0 or EV3 Mindstorms?

You can use whatever you want when it comes to LEGO. Feel free to explore any of the pieces and kits you have while working through the excercises and challenges.

For equity purposes the challenges that will be posted will require nothing more than basic LEGO pieces. However, you may use any parts, sensors, motors, bricks that you want. The more variation in building the better!

Do I have to commit to scheduled time?

No. This is a self paced course. Each week on Monday I will drop the challenges, resources, and guides for the theme. It is up to you to work through the ideas each week. Ideally, it is beneficial to stick with the group to be part of the conversation, but we all know how crazy life is in the education world. Just do you and make it work!

There might be some live show and tell events, but those are just icing on the cake.

What if I joined late and missed the newsletters?

Do your best to catch up by exploring this website.

Here are a list of past newsletters

What if I have a resource or idea to share?

PLEASE Share! I will add it to the necessary section. This site is a living breathing document designed to be empowered by educators. It is only as good as the people who contribute!

What if I want to be on the podcast to share ideas with everyone?

Simply let me know and we will make it happen. See how easy this is?