Step 1: Creative Thinking

Week 1: Creative Thinking Launch

What is Creativity?

Podcast with Rob Tork: Creativity With LEGO

Rob Torok


089: Purposeful Play with LEGO Creative Thinking with Rob Torok

Food For Thought

Can you assess creativity?

Watch the short video and leave a comment on the YouTube page.

Link to video -

Can You Assess Creativity? Resources

Creative Challenge #1: Let's get creative with ourselves!

Creative LEGO Selfie

Without overthinking you are tasked to build a LEGO selfie of yourself using the LEGO pieces that you have!

Explain your model to the group in this Flipgrid. Be sure to leave comments on others as they share. We are asking everyone to be brave and bold right away!

Share your model and explanation here:

Be sure to share on our other channels so we can connect with each other!

LEGO Selfie in Action

8th Grade Algebra Classroom

Classroom Display of Selfies

Conversation with Amanda Maurer about her project

Creativity Challenge #2: Build A Duck

Part 1: Gather your 6 Pieces

6 Pieces Total

Use any 6 pieces of your choice

Sharpie Eyes

If you don't have a piece with eyes

Googley Eyes

A bit of hot glue and eyes works also!

Part 2: Make a Duck in 60 Seconds

Duck Challenge

Make a duck in under 60 seconds. Share your duck build by adding to our Shared Google Photo Album

Part 3: Make many ducks!

How many ducks?

Either by yourself or with students try to build as many different duck models as you can come up with! Create a video showcasing all the builds and share for us to check out!

Share duck videos here in the Flipgrid.

**NOTE TO USERS: You can pause the video while recording in Flipgrid to create a slideshow of builds**

Your Flip Code is pplego and here is a direct link to the Grid:

Also, here is a direct link to this new Topic:

Duck Resources

If you want to buy or purchase duck kits

My reflections of using the LEGO Duck Activity

Creativity Challenge #3: Your Own Creative Challenge

This is where you get to express your creativity and share with others.

Do not judge yourself. Do not compare yourself. Part of this course is not only diving into the making and building, but also learning to put your ego aside and share. Be brave. Be bold. We all must share. You never know how your idea could spark new learing in others.

Your task this week is to come up with a creative challenge to use in PD, with your students, or with your own personal learning journey.

You can use the duck kit or any combination of LEGO pieces.

You also need to actually do the challenge to experiment with how it goes.

Head to this slidedeck and share the following:

  • Creative name for the challenge
  • Goal of the challenge
  • Pictures and/or video of the challenge
  • Any new learning

Share on Flipgrid to explain your learning as well

Your Flip Code is pplego and here is a direct link to the Grid:

Also, here is a direct link to this new Topic:

Be sure to share on our other channels so we can connect with each other!

Creativity Build Challenges Crowdsourced by YOU!

LEGO Charades

Link to activity

Thanks Wendy Fasso for sharing

Egg Mini Build Challenges

Each egg has a mini-build in it- will share when my babies have completed them tomorrow! So the creative challenge is: complete a build using the fewest possible pieces to create something recognisable.

Thanks Wendy Fasso for sharing

Resources Crowdsourced by YOU!

Six Bricks Activity Guide - A great resource especially if you work with younger students.

Play Well Report - A really fascinating report about play among families that might inspire and trigger some new ideas and thoughts.

Thanks Wayne for sharing

Week 1 Recap

Video Highlighting the 1st Week

Direct Link -

And remember you can always do the work for week 1 at any given time! We will update things in later weeks as people share and submit.