Market Research

Soil Moisture Sensor Market

In 2022 the soil sensor market was estimated to be worth USD 551 million and is projected to nearly double by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.6%. The driving forces behind this projected growth include the need to enhance farming productivity and huge government spending on agriculture. It is worth noting that our product is not specifically for agricultural use, rather, it is intended for indoor plants. 

A challenge in this market is the lack of awareness regarding soil monitoring. Many people remain uninformed about the benefits that soil monitoring provides. We aim to address this issue, particularly in the context of houseplant soil monitoring. 


Our product will act as a reminder for people to water their plants when the soil lacks water. Not everyone will need these reminders, so it is more for people who constantly forget and want to improve their watering habits. 

Forgetful people, including busy individuals, can benefit from this product as it helps take the responsibility of plant care off their shoulders. 

Home gardeners could also find good use in our product because it will provide valuable soil moisture data to help them grow healthier plants. 

New plant owners may struggle with watering. Whether it may be that they do not know when to water or how much, our product will help them improve their watering habits by getting rid of those worries.  

Our product is also designed for individuals concerned with their plant's health, particularly regarding water. It will help them address any issues they may have and alleviate their worries. 

We will design our product to fit the specific needs of this market.

Soil Monitoring Market size, share, trends, and forecast to 2027 | MarketsandMarketsTM. (n.d.). MarketsandMarkets.