Product Specification

Our Goals: 

Our product specification currently includes goals that we are looking into including into our product as we develop it in the future. We are looking towards a product that serves as a sensor that goes into the soil of the plant and will sense moisture levels pertaining to the plant every certain amount of time. The user will be notified by either a notification from an app that we connect to the device or the device will light up when the moisture levels are too low. Below we have some criteria for the device that is going under further discussion. 

Tech Specs: 

We are currently exploring options on how to create this system and are looking to have three different components: an alert system, setting the water value, and the shell to encase the electrical components. We plan on using a capacitive moisture sensor to help us detect the presence or absence of water in our potted plant and using a Wi-Fi-controlled microcontroller to be able to wirelessly connect our system to a phone application. 

Design Criteria Goals: 







Safety and Legal Issues


Customer Needs