Problem Identification 

Due to the lack of watering consistency, indoor plants often die.


Today, having plants in or around your home is a common thing you see today, especially now. During the pandemic plant purchases grew 50%, and now homes are flourishing with nature, but not everyone knows how to properly care for them. This has led to many plant deaths. We see value in these plants and we want to ensure that people are also seeing the beauty of their plants, without worry. 

We wanted to focus on the watering aspect of plants because it is the one that is highly important and dependent on humans. Thus our problem statement. We did research and we have found that the most common way that people kill plants is through overwatering and under-watering. We also found that 7/10 millennials call themselves "plant parents" and the average plant parent has killed 7 houseplants which goes to show how difficult it is learning. We then looked into previous solutions and the market where we found a huge market in automatic home watering systems. If you quickly search for "Indoor Plant Watering Systems," you will find hundreds of results of people attempting to solve the same problem. 

To ensure the validity and relevancy of our problem we surveyed individuals shopping at Home Depot, Lowes, and people at plant nurseries, ranging from young adults to elders with questions pertaining to how much their plants might die on them, what their issues might be and if this solution we were planning to present was even relevant to them. We wanted to ensure that this solution is something that we would have an audience interested in. Our results overall showed that water was an issue in caring for plants and more than half overall were interested in the solution we had to offer. 

We then decided to go in a different direction. Instead of developing an automatic watering system, we wanted to remind people when to water their plants based on the moisture levels of the soil. We discovered existing reminder methods in the market, but they were relatively expensive. Our approach focuses on making a product that is a cheaper alternative that not only reminds the user when to water their plant but also tells the user how much water the plant requires.