
The Quantitative Imaging Platform of Villefranche sur Mer (PIQv) belongs to the IMEV-FR structure and offers services via the EMBRC infrastructure.

The PIQv was created by LOV researchers and engineers using original imaging instruments and software purchased or developed by them. These instruments are made available by this means to the scientific community.

The steering committee that defines the objectives of the PIQv is composed by the members of the COMPLEX team.

The scientific manager is a LOV Research Engineer : Marc Picheral

The operational manager is an Engineer from IMEV-FR : Amanda Elineau

Laëtitia Jalabert is expert in taxonomy and imaging instruments. She performs the image acquisition and the sorting of the plankton since 2016/09.

The platform hosts students, scientists and technicians conducting specific analysis using the local and remote tools.

The platform is equipped with 13 acquisition systems (3 FlowCAM, 6 ZooScan and 4 UVP5) and 15 processing stations for image analysis and processing

The PIQv provides different types of services :

- Instrumentation or software training (FlowCAM, ZooScan, UVP, Zooprocess, Ecotaxa)

- Reception and supervision of students, technicians or researchers carrying out analyses (FlowCAM, ZooScan)

- Plankton sample analysis by laboratory instrumentation (FlowCAM, ZooScan)

- Taxonomic analyses by imaging (Ecotaxa)

- Loan of instruments for field missions (FlowCAM, UVP5)

- Instrumental calibration service (UVP5)