TRAINING services

IMPORTANT note about the PIQv trainings

The goals of the trainings is to provide knowledge for :

The PIQv DOES NOT provide scientific training (i.e. how to do good science with the data provided by the instruments and software). This topic is too diverse and is provided via university courses or collaboration with scientists from the COMPLEx team at Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche sur mer.

UVP5 training (2-3 days)

The PIQv can train you for the UVP5 operation (3 days). You will have the opportunity to practice using provided instruments.

It is recommanded to register also for the EcoTAXA training if you want to know how to efficiently use the application to sort the images from the UVP.

UVP6 general (2 days) training*

Next dates for 2024 (contact PIQv to register) :

Next dates for 2023 (contact PIQv to register) :

The PIQv trains you for the UVP6 operation (2 days).

 You will have the opportunity to practice using provided UVP6.

The content of the training is adapted to the user needs and you will be asked to fill an inquiry form before attending the course. There will anyhow be an introduction to all topics.

The general program (item in italic will be adapted to user needs) :

It is recommended to register also for the EcoTAXA training if you want to know how to efficiently use the application to sort the images from the UVP.

UVP6 (HF) for CTD short training* ** (3-4 hours) 

The PIQv trains you for the UVP6-HF operation associated with a CTD.

 You will have the opportunity to practice using provided instruments or on your instrument if the training is provided remotely.

This training is intended for sea going operators who will have to manage an UVP6 (HF) in a CTD-rosette frame during a cruise. It does not cover the other topics listed in the UVP6 general training (above).

It is recommended to register also for the EcoTAXA training if you want to know how to efficiently use the application to sort the images from the UVP.

Zooscan training (3 days)

The PIQv trains you for the Zooscan operation (3 days). 

You will have the opportunity to practice using the PIQv instruments.

It is recommanded to register also for the EcoTAXA training if you want to know how to efficiently use the application to sort the images from the Zooscan.

Next dates for 2024 (contact PIQv to register) :

Flowcam training (2 days)

The PIQv trains you for  the FlowCam operation. 

You will have the opportunity to practice using the PIQv instruments.

It is recommanded to register also for the EcoTAXA training if you want to know how to efficiently use the application to sort the images from the Flowcam.

Ecotaxa training (1.5 days)

The PIQv trains you to make an efficient use of the EcoTaxa web application for computer assisted image sorting.

2024/01/12 WARNING :

The EcoTAXA application is currently undergoing improvements, with most pages being recently updated.

However, we are currently facing limitations in human resources and, as a priority, have decided to enhance the online documentation of the application.

Regrettably, this means we have to cancel the scheduled EcoTAXA trainings, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please accept our apologies.


The PIQv will provide you expertise according to your needs during an agreed period of time.