
BIO 102H: Honors General Biology II

This course covers the basic concepts of the life science, with emphasis on the diversity of life, the physical and chemical nature of living matter, the form and function of the cell and organism, and the ecological relationships among living organisms. Selected topics in structural, functional, developmental, environmental and systematic biology are included.

BIO 212L: Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab

This course involves a detailed study of the major body systems utilizing anatomical models, cadavers, animal specimens, histological slides, physiological experiments, and simulations. 

BIO 282L: Genetics Lab

This course considers the basic principles of inheritance, including data analysis and problem-solving skills. Students gain laboratory experience with modern techniques and with a model organism of current research importance. Students also gain experience with solving problem and analyzing data. Emphasis is on sound logic, creativity, and the experimental process. 

BIO 471: Molecular Genetics / BIO471L: Molecular Genetics Lab 

This course introduces students to the theory and practice of DNA manipulation that is involved in modern molecular biology, including cancer research, cellular development, regulation of differentiation and construction of designer genes in plants, animals, humans, microorganisms and virus. These methods are common in health research, industrial discovery and environmental remediation. 

BIO 562: Bioinformatics

This hands-on course is for students seeking to understand methods of sequence and structural analysis using nucleic acid and protein databases. An understanding of the database format provides the basis for sequence analysis and alignment to determine common evolutionary origins, RNA secondary structure, gene prediction and regulation, protein structure prediction and classification, genome analysis, and analysis of microarrays.