Learning Experiences

We offer engaging Learning Experiences that bring back the joy and innate curiosity of learning.

Each learning experience brings you together with a community of like-minded peers who can enrich your understanding of the world and deepen your reflections. This movement is rooted in the value of open-mindedness needed in respectful and honest conversations where people can empathize and listen attentively, examine assumptions, think critically and creatively, and value differences.

Gabay Guro Workshop

Our Gabay Guro is specifically designed to assist educators in healing, strengthening, and developing in their profession. Through immersive sessions, we will explore the issues faced by educators and equip ourselves with tools for promoting positive well-being. These sessions will involve experiential practices, breakout discussions, and takeaways based on research to empower us in our journey as educators. 

Intersectional Conversations Workshop

Intersectional Conversations Workshops acknowledge that we all come from unique backgrounds and points of view. The main goal of this learning experience is to better engage and connect with different people who may have varying practices, values, and beliefs.

The objective of this workshop is for participants to gain awareness in identifying intersecting lenses, listen with presence, and ask powerful questions required in engaging in intersectional conversations.

In collaboration with Inclusiviteach

Learning Retreats

Learning Retreats are part-workshop, part-retreats designed for participants to explore new ways to learn while immersing within a creative and safe community of like-minded people. in yourself and the futures you hope to see.