inter-house EVENTS

Interhouse padel competition

Congratulations Lincoln.

The 15th May saw Laude Newton College hold its first Interhouse padel competition at the sports complex, Tiro de Pichon, Elche.

The event was a great success for the large amount of students who play the sport outside of school hours but who do not normally get to demonstrate their skills in the sport within the school day.

tennis inter house event

Last Monday, we have hold a tennis competition in Tiro Pichón. All students from secondary were representing their house with 3 boys and 3 girls in each of the year groups. The competition was a close contest between all the houses (Lincoln, King, Calcuta and Da Vinci). However, the extra effort that Da Vinci demonstrated during the last few games of the day tipped the scale on their side. Congratulations to all members of Da Vinci for their great sportsmanship and dedication through the event.



Secondary students took part in the 2º Interh-house event of the year. This time students had a variety of sports and some science stations around the school. The overall points for the houses are:

  • Lincoln 194 points
  • Calcuta 168 points
  • Da Vinci 160 points
  • King 150 points

3º inter house athletics EVENT

Last 13th of November took part our 3rd Inter-House Athletics Event. Students from all stages in secondary represented their houses in Manolo Jaén stadium. The event involved a great variety of track and field events lead by the PE department.

1st Inter-House Event-24th of october

First inter-house event of the year. Students took part in different sports: football, basketball, badminton and volleyball. Students represented their house around all secondary tried to get the maximum number of points to be declares the 1st house winner of the year.

All houses had a high level of participation and enjoy the extraordinary atmosphere in the school. Students demonstrated all skills learned in their classes in order to perform and obtain a good result for their house.
