Updates and Announcements

      [23/01/2024] NEW PUBLICATION ALERT!

      Mishra, P.N., Scheuermann, A. and Bore, T.  (2024). “Estimation of permeability of fine-grained soils from High Frequency Electromagnetic (HF-EM)                                 measurements.” International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 24(4), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/IJGNAI.GMENG-8908  

      (SCI-expanded, Scopus, ERA2018, ERA2015, Impact Factor: 3.7, Q1)          

      [19/01/2024] NEW PUBLICATION ALERT!

      Mishra, P.N., Parbhakar-Fox, A., Olaya, S.Q., Scheuermann, A. and Bore, T. (2024). “Electromagnetic methods for assessing moisture Content and density of an             Iron Oxide Copper Gold Deposits (IOCG) tailings sample.” Acta Geotechnica, Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-023-02120-y  

      (SCI-expanded, Scopus, ERA2018, ERA2015, Impact Factor: 5.7, Q1)  

      [09/12/2023] NEW PUBLICATION ALERT!

     Mishra, P.N., Jain, S., Bore, T., Chang, I., Kwon, Y-M., Wang, Y., Dash, H.R., Kumar, A., Jiang, N., Das, S.K. and Scheuermann, A. (2023). “Biological perspectives in            geotechnics: Application and monitoring.” Journal of Rock Mech. and Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier.

      DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2023.10.007 

     (SCI-expanded, Scopus, ERA2018, ERA2015, Impact Factor: 7.3, Q1)     

      [17/10/2023] NEW PUBLICATION ALERT!

     Jain, S., Mishra, P.N., Tiwari, S., Wang, Y., Jiang, N., Dash, H.R., Chang, I., Kumar, A., Das, S.K., Scheuermann, A. and Bore, T. (2023). “Biological perspectives in 

     geotechnics: Theoretical developments.” Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, Springer.

     DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11157-023-09671-2 

     (SCI-expanded, Scopus, ERA2018, ERA2015, Impact Factor: 14.4, Q1)

     [13/09/2023] NEW GRANT ALERT!

Our proposed IITK - Uni. of Jaffna Joint Workshop on "Recent Advances in Construction and Civil Engineering Technologies" has been funded through INDSL foundation, High Commission of Sri Lanka in India, New Delhi. 

     [05/09/2023] NEW GRANT ALERT!

One of our projects titled "Biological Signatures on Soil Properties through the Windows of Electromagnetic Measurements" has been approved for funding through a competitive Start Up Research Grant (SRG) from the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India. Through this project, we aim to build a state of the art soil electromagnetic property measurement facility within the phyGEO lab at IIT Kanpur, and to leverage the same in understanding the impacts of biomediation on engineering properties of soils.

[11/08/2023] PhD Commencement!

Mr. Ankit Mishra has joined the lab as a PhD scholar. 


     Zhang, Y., Mishra, P.N., Tiwari, S., Scheuermann, A. And Li, L. (2023). “Suppressive effects of geotextiles on soil water evaporation.” Acta Geotechnica, Springer.            DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-023-02042-9  (SCI-expanded, Scopus, ERA2018, ERA2015, Impact Factor: 5.7, Q1)


     Mishra, P.N., Zhang, Y., and Scheuermann, A. (2023). “Ventilated Well Method for Efficient Dewatering of Soft Soils: Dimensional Analysis and Validation through         Numerical Modelling.”   Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE. 149(9). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/JGGEFK.GTENG-10728 

      (SCI-expanded, Scopus, ERA2018, ERA2015, Impact Factor: 4.6, Q1)

[27/03/2023] NEW GRANT ALERT!

Who doesn't like working with people that they like! 

phyGEO lab, PM lab (https://sites.google.com/view/cksahu) and rheology lab (https://sites.google.com/view/prabinashish/home) at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur are pleased and excited to announce our recent success in obtaining a departmental grant to investigate a highly interdisciplinary project titled "Investigation of Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Behaviour of Buffer Materials in Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS)". To that end, we gratefully acknowledge the support received from the department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur in promoting intradepartmental collaboration.

The grant will be primarily utilised to advance the experimental capabilities at IIT Kanpur to study the THM properties of geomaterials. If you are a student and the title of the project excites you, admissions for our PG programs at IIT Kanpur are now open (https://www.iitk.ac.in/doaa/pgadmission/important-links.php) - a self motivated and disciplined doctoral candidate will definitely interest us!

[06/02/2023] Samples shipped to 16 unis. across Australia - India, and 3 consultation sessions held amongst all the partners for discussion and finalisation of SOP for the testing program. The major question we are addressing through this round robin is "How characteristic is Soil Shrinkage Characteristic Curve (SSCC)?". Watch this space for further updates in a few months. 

Partnering universities for round robin on shrinkage curve of fine grained soils:

Australia: UQ, QUT, U. Newcastle, U. Syd., Monash, JCU

India: IIT Kanpur, IIT Guwahati, IIT Dhanbad, IIT Patna, IIT Mandi, IIT Tirupati, IIT Palakkad, IIT Dharwad, NIT Surat, NSUT Delhi

[09/01/2023] We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work with us on one or more cross cutting research themes of phyGEO lab. If you are a motivated individual with a PhD (or in your final stages), and work in the domains of (a) soil sensing technology, (b) unsaturated soils, (c) tailings and industrial wastes and (d) biogeotechnics, we would like to hear from you. E: pnmishra[at]iitk.ac.in

[09/12/2022] Dr. Partha Narayan Mishra (PI of phyGEO lab) has joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

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