Multiphysics Phenomena in bioGEOenvironmental Engineering
Engineering behaviours of geomaterials carry signatures of the physical, chemical, mechanical and biological (PCMB) processes that they have been subjected to. The phyGEO lab seeks to understand the consequential impacts of such processes on geomaterials.
Engineering behaviours of geomaterials carry signatures of the physical, chemical, mechanical and biological (PCMB) processes that they have been subjected to. The phyGEO lab seeks to understand the consequential impacts of such processes on geomaterials.
Many of the ‘HOWs’ that we study in the phyGEO lab find inspiration from the ‘WHYs’ that we encounter in the field. Our intent is that the solutions that we generate from deciphering the ‘HOWs’ is eventually used to tackle the ‘WHYs’ in the field.
Many of the ‘HOWs’ that we study in the phyGEO lab find inspiration from the ‘WHYs’ that we encounter in the field. Our intent is that the solutions that we generate from deciphering the ‘HOWs’ is eventually used to tackle the ‘WHYs’ in the field.