
In Phreaker Life, without energy, a phreaker is incapable of making cracks, phreaks, or hacks happen. Energy comes in the form of a spark, current or surge. To add a device, object, or character to the stream an equal or greater amount of energy on the card to be played is expended. For example, a card requiring 2 sparks can utilize 2 sparks, a current or a surge to enter the stream.

Additional energy explanations and examples are below.

Spark - is the smallest unit of energy in Phreaker Life. When used in combination, sparks may be used equally as a larger unit of energy. For example, 3 sparks will convert to 1 current or 6 sparks will convert to 2 currents or 1 surge.

Current - is the next largest unit of energy in Phreaker Life. When used in combination, currents may be used equally as a larger unit of energy. For example, 2 currents will convert to 1 surge. While smaller units of energy can be converted upwards to larger units of energy, the reverse is prohibited. For example, using a single unit of current energy to play a 2 spark card is permitted. The remaining spark is lost until next round when all energy is recharged. Although, expending a single unit of current to play a 2 spark card and a 1 spark card is permitted.

Surge - is the largest unit of energy in Phreaker Life. Only smaller units of energy can be converted to form a surge. The conversion ratio is 3:2:1 -> sparks:currents:surge. The rules regarding expendability of energy to play cards into the stream are identical to the rules explained in the current description above.