Light Mixer

The Light Mixer panel will list the World material as well as all the lights in your scene and display some of their most useful settings.

Creating lights from the Panel will use the default Light settings from the Photographer Preferences.

At the top of the list will be your World, where you can pick which World material you want to use and adjust its strength.

Expand the World settings to find the Add World HDRI button. This will create a material network to use a 360 HDRI image that will be found in the folder you would have set in the add-on Preferences (World HDRI Library path)

Click on the Image thumbnail in the Panel to select your 360 HDRI.
Only HDR and EXR files will be recognized in that library.

Thumbnails will be automatically generated for HDR and EXR files that are smaller than 100MB. PNG files with the same name as the HDR/EXR files can be used as thumbnails for large files or to speed up the menu opening.

Rotation: Rotates the HDRI environment.
Temperature: Multiplies the HDRI using Color temperature in Kelvin (uses Blackbody node).
Tint: Multiplies the HDRI with green or magenta.
Blur: blurs the HDRI environment (requires a high enough number of samples)
Diffuse: HDRI environment visibility for diffuse reflection rays.
Glossy: HDRI environment visibility for glossy reflection rays.
Camera: HDRI environment visibility for camera rays.

Lights can be grouped in Collections to organize the Light Mixer panel, but also to be able to adjust intensities of a group of lights at the same time using the Stop - / + buttons.

Light settings will change based on the Light Type and the Render engine.

For instance, Sun lights rotation can be set using Azimuth and Elevation values from the Horizontal Coordinate system.

If the Scene World uses a Nishita Sky texture, the Azimuth and Elevation will automatically update the Sky texture values.

Changing the Light Type will automatically rename your light if the light type was part of its name.
Example: changing a Sun light named "Blue Sunlight" into a Point light will rename it "Blue Pointlight".
This should improve naming confusion when changing the light type of an existing light.