Camera List

Add Master Camera: Creates a Camera that can fly to other camera positions, blending between each camera settings. Read more about the Master Camera here.

Add Camera:
create a new camera using Photographer default settings, aligned with your current viewport position.
Shift-Click on the 'Add Camera Button' to copy the new Camera settings from the current Scene Camera settings.

Previous / Next: Cycles through cameras.

AZ / Collection: Sorts the list alphabetically or using Collections.

Lock Camera to View: Moves your camera when navigating inside the 3D viewport.

Border: Limits Viewport render to Camera frame.

Refresh Photographer Settings: Press this button in case you changed some rendering and camera settings outside of the Photographer UI and want to reapply Photographer settings.

Set as Scene Camera and Look Through: It is highly recommended to use this button to switch cameras, in order to apply Photographer settings of the new Scene camera.

Add Camera Target:
Pick an object surface in the scene to make the camera aim at it.
Shift-Click will parent the tracker to the picked objects, so the camera will automatically follow the object if it moves.

Show Focus Plane: Adds a visual plane to show where the camera focus is set. Read more about the Focus Plane here.

Note: Remember that the add-on makes use of alternative behaviors using Shift and Ctrl keys. These behaviors are described in the tooltips that will appear when leaving your mouse over the buttons.
Select with regular click will select only that camera.
Select using Shift will toggle selection, allowing you to add or remove a camera to your selection.
Select using Ctrl will remove that camera from the selection.
- Same behavior is valid for the
Selecting Collection cameras.
Delete with Shift will Delete the camera Globally, i.e. from all the scenes in the Blend file.