High Expectations

2.E.1: High Expectations

Clearly communicates high standards for student work, effort, and behavior, and consistently reinforces the expectation that all students can meet these standards through effective effort, rather than innate ability.

How I did it:

During the COVID pandemic alot of changes were made to how schools and expectations functioned. At the beginning of the pandemic, expectations for students dropped drastically, teachers were told to pass students no matter their grade. Thankfully, as time progressed expectations were shifted again to higher order because of effective use of virtual programs such as google classroom. Although we were still generally told to pass every student I found that making a "deal" with a struggling student really helped push them in the right direction. For example, instead of failing the student, have them make up all of the unit lab activities (between 3 an 4) and give them a grade boost based on this. Obviously this would be implemented in a different way if I was teaching in the physical classroom but this experience showed me how to shift expectations based on the environment. Even through the pandemic I did have reasonably high expectations of the kids, the homework required time and effort, especially the projects. I found the majority of them turned at least something in with a-lot of really stand out examples.

I believe one of the most importnat skills a teacher can use is leading questions. It is generally not great teaching to give the student the straight up answer, it may take longer but asking questions in steps really boosts understanding. I also found when I used this method, students would be initially frustrated but were so gratified when they got to the final solution!