Search and Matching

Is Internet Job Search Still Ineffective?", Economic Journal 2014 (with Hani Mansour) PDF EJ

“The Internet as a Labor Market Matchmaker: How Effective are the New Electronic Methods of Workers Recruitment and Job Search?” IZA World of Labor, May 2014. online version extended version(with additional references)

"Do Chinese Employers Avoid Hiring Overqualified Workers? Evidence from an Internet Job Board" Research in Labor Economics 37 (2013): 1-30 (with Kailing Shen) PDF RLE

"Gender Discrimination in Job Ads: Evidence from China" Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2013 (with Kailing Shen) QJE

"Internet Job Search and Unemployment Durations" (with Mikal Skuterud) American Economic Review 94(1) (March 2004): 218-232 PDF

"Is Monopsony the Right Way to Model Labor Markets? A Review of Alan Manning’s Monopsony in Motion" International Journal of the Economics of Business, Vol. 11, No. 3, November 2004, pp. 369–378 PDF

The Internet and Matching in Labor Markets" (in Derek C. Jones, ed. New Economy Handbook. Academic Press: 2003 ) PDF

"Job Search Methods: Internet versus Traditional", Monthly Labor Review, October 2000: 3-11. (with Mikal Skuterud) PDF MLR