
Work in Progress:    

"Kinks as Goals:  Accelerating Commissions and the Performance of Sales Teams" (with Lizi Yu)  R&R, Management Science  PDF

“When is Discrimination Unfair?” (with Trevor Osaki) R&R, Journal of Labor Economics  PDF

“Should I Show or Should I Hide: When Do Jobseekers Reveal Their Wages?”  (with Shuo Zhang) draft available on request. 

Forthcoming and Recent Publications:

"What Happens When Employers Can No Longer Discriminate in Job Ads?" (April 2023) (with Kailing Shen) PDF  AER  American Economic Review 113(4) pp. 1013-48. 

"How Costly is Turnover?  Evidence from Retail" (2021) Journal of Labor Economics 39(2) (April 2021): 461-496  (with Lizi Yu) PDF JOLE

"Gender-Targeted Job Ads in the Recruitment Process: Facts from a Chinese Job Board"  (2020)  Journal of Development Economics, Volume 147 (November):102531   (with Kailing Shen and Shuo Zhang) PDF  JDE

“The Age Twist in Employers' Gender Requests: Evidence from Four Job Boards” , Journal of Human Resources (with Miguel Delgado Helleseter and Kailing Shen) vol. 55(2) (March 2020), pages 428-469.  PDF  JHR

"Behavioral Job Search" (with Michael Cooper) in Klaus Zimmermann, ed. Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics.  Springer Nature (2020).  PDF  Springer 

Selected Publications (personal favorites and most cited):

"Are Women More Attracted to Cooperation than Men?" Economic Journal 125 (582) (February 2015), 115–140.  (with Marie Claire Villeval) PDF  EJ

"How Costly is Turnover?  Evidence from Retail" forthcoming, Journal of Labor Economics (with Lizi Yu) PDF JOLE

"Gender-Targeted Job Ads in the Recruitment Process: Facts from a Chinese Job Board"  (2020)  Journal of Development Economics, Volume 147 (November) (with Kailing Shen and Shuo Zhang) PDF  JDE:   

“The Age Twist in Employers' Gender Requests: Evidence from Four Job Boards” , Journal of Human Resources (with Miguel Delgado Helleseter and Kailing Shen) vol. 55(2) (March  2020), pages 428-469.  PDF  JHR

"Are Women More Attracted to Cooperation than Men?" Economic Journal 125 (582) (February 2015), 115–140.  (with Marie Claire Villeval) PDF  EJ

Is Internet Job Search Still Ineffective?",  Economic Journal  2014 (with Hani Mansour) PDF EJ

"Gender Discrimination in Job Ads: Evidence from China" Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2013 (with Kailing Shen) QJE 

"The Effects of Lottery Prizes on Winners and their Neighbors:  Evidence from the Dutch Postcode Lottery"  American Economic Review 101 (5) (August 2011). pp 2226-2247 (with Peter Kooreman, Adriaan R. Soetevent, and  Arie Kapteyn)   PDF  AER 

"Lab Labor: What Can Labor Economists Learn from the Lab?" in Orley Ashenfelter and David Card, eds.) Handbook of Labor Economics, volume 4A. Amsterdam:  North Holland 2011, pp. 229-330. (with Gary Charness)  Click here for a PDF of the penultimate draft.  For an offprint of the published chapter, email me at 

Bidding for Brains: Intellectual Property Rights and the International Migration of Knowledge Workers Journal of Development Economics 95(1) (May 2011): 77-87 (with Carol McAusland)   PDF  JDE

"Competition and the Ratchet Effect", Journal of Labor Economics 29(3) (July 2011):  513-47 (with Gary Charness and Marie Claire Villeval)  PDF JSTOR

"Consumers and the brain drain: Product and process design and the gains from emigration”  Journal of International Economics 78 (2) (July 2009): 287–291. (with Carol McAusland) PDF  JIE

"The Expanding Workweek? Understanding Trends in Long Work Hours Among U.S. Men, 1979-2006," Journal of Labor Economics 26 (2) (April 2008): 311-343 (with Fernando Lozano) PDF  JSTOR

Where Class Size Really Matters: Class Size and Student Ratings of Instructor Effectiveness, Economics of Education Review 27 (3) (June 2008): 253-265 (with Kelly Bedard) PDF EER

"Does Pay Inequality Affect Worker Effort?  Experimental Evidence” Journal of Labor Economics, 23 (4) (October 2007): 693-724 (with Gary Charness) PDF    JSTOR

"Leadership Skills and Wages", Journal of Labor Economics 23(3) (July 2005): 395-436 (with Catherine Weinberger) PDF  JSTOR

"Internet Job Search and Unemployment Durations" (with Mikal Skuterud) American Economic Review 94(1) (March 2004): 218-232 PDF 

"Gender as an Impediment to Labor Market Success: Why do Young Women Report Greater Harm?", Journal of Labor Economics, 18(4), (October 2000): 702-28. (with Heather Antecol). JSTOR

"Vulnerable Seniors: Unions, Tenure, and Wages Following Permanent Job Loss", Journal of Labor Economics 17 (October 1999): 671-693 (with Arthur Sweetman).    JSTOR

"Learning in Sequential Wage Negotiations: Theory and Evidence" Journal of Labor Economics 17 (January 1999): 109-140 (with W. Gu). JSTOR

"Wage Loss Following Displacement: The Role of Union Coverage", Industrial and Labor Relations Review 51 (April 1998): 384-400 (with L. Arthur Sweetman). JSTOR

"Unions and the Economy: What we know; what we should know", Canadian Journal of Economics 31(5) (November 1998): 1033-1056. (Harold Adams Innis lecture) JSTOR

"Centralization and Strikes", Labour Economics 5 (September 1998): 243-265 (with Wulong Gu) LE

"Wage Loss Following Displacement: The Role of Union Coverage", Industrial and Labor Relations Review 51 (April 1998): 384-400 (with L. Arthur Sweetman). JSTOR

"A Theory of Holdouts in Wage Bargaining", American Economic Review 88 (June 1998): 428-449 (with Wulong Gu). JSTOR

"Unions and the Economy: What we know; what we should know", Canadian Journal of Economics 31(5) (November 1998): 1033-1056. (Harold Adams Innis lecture) JSTOR

"The Size and Structure of Native-White Wage Differentials in Canada", Canadian Journal of Economics 27 (February 1994): 20-42. (with Peter George). JSTOR

"Mandatory Notice",  Journal of Labor Economics 10 (April 1992): 117-137. JSTOR 

"Seniority and Distribution in a Two-Worker Trade Union", Quarterly Journal of Economics 104 (August 1989), pp. 485-505 (with Jacques Robert). JSTOR

"A Nonuniform-Pricing Model of Union Wages and Employment", Journal of Political Economy 96, (June 1988), pp. 473-508. JSTOR

"Sex Discrimination in Labor Markets: The Role of Statistical Evidence", American Economic Review 77 (September 1987), pp. 567-583. JSTOR

Links to published papers by topic:  

(Some papers are cross-listed)

Search, Matching and Unemployment (includes Internet Job Search)

Gender differentials in labor markets 

China's labor market

Consumer Behavior 

Migration and Trade (including brain drain)

Incentives and Effort

Labor Supply

Economics of Education

Social Insurance and Income Distribution


Displaced Workers and Employment Protection

Self employment

Employment Contracts

North American Indians 

Trade Unions

Canada's Labor Market

Literature Reviews