Economics 250A: Labor Economics

This course covers the basic theory and evidence on supply and demand in labor markets. Meetings consist of a combination of lectures and student presentations. Every year, students write a comprehensive Literature Review Paper on a topic of their choice.

Course Syllabus

Article Bank (more comprehensive list of papers, by topic)

Schedule of Classes (updated throughout the quarter)

Class notes (generally confined to mathematical bits only)

Practice questions (and answers, when available)

"Official" office hours are Fridays, 10:00-11:00 am in NH3036. But grad students can see me anytime. Just look for me in NH3036 or email me at

In Winter 2019, Econ 250A will include a five-lecture segment on "The New Empirics of Search and Matching", based on my IZA Summer school lectures in May 2018. Lecture slides and a syllabus for this segment are available at the above link.