Timeliness Books

These sample chapters are from books in "The Timeliness Trilogy"

Timeliness Chapter 1.pdf

This is Chapter 1 of "Timeliness" the first book in "The Timeliness Trilogy

The opening chapter of the whole Trilogy, devised to set a security/tactical theme with a backdrop of British "Stiff Upper Lip" and with the arrival of the pig establish the sci-fi element and hint at what's to come.

It also introduces us to the Wave Project and hints at its mandate without giving too much away.  I honestly wrote this and then said to myself, "Now what?"  I was, however, very pleased with its impact.

Revolution and Resolution Chapter 18.pdf

This is Chapter 18 of "Revolution & Resolution" the third book in "The Timeliness Trilogy."  

In this chapter we see the first real humanitarian mission undertaken by the Wave Team and this, and the adjacent chapters, detail the planning and attention to detail needed to keep the Project secret and secure.  

This chapter has a spin off story in Ripples Collide called "The Witch in the Wind."

If you enjoy reading the chapters but aren't ready to buy a book. please consider buying me a Ko-Fi  and supporting an independent author... 
