The Brand New Release

"Ro Pushed Back" is part of  "The King of Gravesend" Universe.  It follows Ro's adventures as she deals with the loss of her Husband, Chuds Douglas, and her ownership of the businesses that she helped him build.   She starts a whole new relationship with, and marries, her Philippines Manager Angel and together they start to build their businesses stronger and better.  

However a right wing, would be politician who is trying to start a grass-roots movement picks on her and her friend Marti (a trans-woman) as part of his anti-LGBTQA+  and anti-immigrant agenda - he picked on the wrong woman.  

When Ro gets pushed - SHE PUSHES BACK!   This page turning novel will have you crying, cheering and laughing.    Check it out on Amazon Here

Ro Pushed Back being read around the World, 

making it an International Best Seller... (without the best seller bit, but still...)

In The UK

At Sea in Egypt

In Sweden

in The Philippines