Peter Draper - Author

Ro Pushed Back being enjoyed in Sweden, The UK, Egypt and the Philippines (you should think about joining the gallery) buy a copy here... 

Ro Pushed Back on Amazon

Welcome to my author website.  

Although I have written for most of my working life it has mainly been articles, essays, and manuals.  It wasn't until late 2021, in the middle of pandemic lockdowns, and being recently retired, that I decided to turn my hand to fiction.  There had been a few ideas percolating in my mind for some time, but I had never been inspired to put them down in story form.

However, once I started I found it hard to stop.  Some of the ideas were merely a line of dialogue or a conceptual thought experiment  but once I sat at my laptop, they became short stories,  stories that evolved into fragments of a larger book.     I published my first book in November 2021, the handful of people that read it enjoyed it and encouraged me to carry on.   I ended up creating a trio of novellas centered around a secret government research project.  A trio of books that I combined into one larger work called "The Timeliness Trilogy".  

It all started there... didn't end there though, I wanted to switch genres, try my hand at urban crime/comedy/action with a twist.  So I remembered a snippet of an overheard conversation many, many years ago when a middle aged man was lamenting with his friend about how much his home town (Gravesend in Kent) had changed and how he had once considered himself "The King of Gravesend."

I thought to myself, I can work with that idea and proceeded to write with just the title in mind.  I ended up with a short novel called "The King of Gravesend" and that was followed fairly quickly with "The King of Gravesend is Bored!".  This time I took the plot to the Philippines as well as Gravesend (because I live here now) and ramped up the action.  I wanted to round out the Trilogy with a book called "The King of Gravesend is Dead!" which went much more international taking in a lot more of South East Asia.   

Once again I combined all three books into a Trilogy edition which includes a few bonus artworks.


Ro has her own book now and her own page on the site!  Follow her life as she deals with the death of her husband, Chuds Douglas.

Some called him The King of Gravesend,  will Ro follow in his footsteps and become The Queen?

"Ro Pushed Back" will make you cry, laugh and cheer for one of the strongest women you've ever met!

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