
Popular Science Articles


Díez-del-Molino, D., Dehasque, M., Chacón-Duque, C., Patrícia Pečnerová, Tikhonov, A., Protopopov, A., Plotnikov, V., Kanellidou, F., Nikolskiy, P., Mortensen, P., Danilov, G. K., Vartanyan, S., Gilbert, M. T. P., Lister, A. M., Heintzman, P. D.,  van der Valk, T. & Dalén, L.

What made woolly mammoths Ice Age icons?

Paleo Science Journal for Teens


Lammers, Y., Alsos, I. G. & Heintzman, P. D.

Ice Age algae bloom on Andøya

The research corner at UiT News


Heintzman, P. D.

What were the ice age ‘stilt-legged’ horses of North America?

The Science Breaker 4(4) (10.25250/thescbr.brk150).


Froese, D., Stiller, M., Heintzman, P. D., Reyes, A. V., Zazula, G. D., Soares, A. E. R., Meyer, M., Hall, E., Jensen, B. J. L., Arnold, L. J., MacPhee, R. D. E. & Shapiro, B.

When did bison arrive in North America?

Paleo Science Journal for Teens


Heintzman, P. D.

Tweaking the mammal family tree with ancient DNA and fossil proteins

Blog post at WordPress website


Heintzman, P. D.

Patterns in palaeontology: an introduction to ancient DNA

Palaeontology [online] 3(10), 1–10.

Media Interviews and Mentions

Quoted by Ulrika Engström

Här levde vår tre meter långa jättekusin – nu vet man varför den dog ut

(EN: Our three-metre-long giant cousin lived here - now you know why it died out)

SVT (Swedish Television; (Jan. 15, 2024) (in Swedish, but translatable with Google)


Interview with Magnus Trogen Pahlén

Using genetics to map the impacts of prehistoric climate change

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Videos & Presentations

Interview with Katy Dycus

sedaDNA: wrestling secrets from sediments

Mammoth Trumpet 38(2): 1-4,20.

Interview with Laurel Oldach

Ancient ecosystem reconstructed using 2-million-year-old DNA

Chemical  & Engineering News (Dec. 7, 2022)

Interview with Sejal Davla

Finding The Cause of Mammoth Extinction

The Scientist (Sept. 7, 2022)


Quoted by Ellen Kathrine Bludd

Verdens eldste DNA funnet i tannen til mammut

(EN: The world's oldest DNA found in mammoth's tooth)

Labrint (UiT's knowledge magazine; in Norwegian, but translatable with Google) (in Norwegian, but translatable with Google)

Quoted by Owen Jarus

'Female' warrior buried in medieval grave may be non-binary

LiveScience (Aug. 6, 2021)

Quoted by Elise Kjørstad

Planter fortsatte å spre seg mot nord tusener av år etter klimaendringen på slutten av istiden

(EN: Plants continued to spread north for thousands of years after climate change at the end of the ice age) (in Norwegian, but translatable with Google)

Quoted by Elise Kjørstad

Forskere har avdekket DNA fra mennesker i 25 000 år gammel jord

(EN: Scientists have uncovered DNA from humans in 25,000-year-old soil) (in Norwegian, but translatable with Google)

Forskere finder DNA fra mennesker i 25.000 år gammel jord (Danish, but translatable with Google) 

Interview with Elise Kjørstad

Eldgammelt bjørne-DNA er hentet ut fra jord i en grotte

(EN: Ancient bear DNA was extracted from soil in a cave) (in Norwegian, but translatable with Google)

Interview with Guro Tarjem

Abels tårn (Abel's tower)

NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio P2, aired on Feb. 26, 09.03 CET

Mention in article by Patrícia Pečnerová

Behind the paper: Pushing the limits with million-year-old DNA

Nature Portfolio Ecology & Evolution Community

Interview with Lars Adrian Giske

UiT-forsker bidro til stort gjennombrudd: Gjenskapte verdens eldste DNA

(EN: UiT researcher contributed to major breakthrough: Recreated the world's oldest DNA)

iTromsø (local newspaper; in Norwegian)

Interview with Veronica Turnage

Over en million år gammel mammuttann sjokkerte forskerne

(EN: Over a million-year-old mammoth tooth shocked researchers)

NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) (in Norwegian, but translatable with Google)

Interview with Elise Kjørstad

Verdens eldste DNA: Forskere har studert genomet til en million år gamle mammuter

(EN: The world's oldest DNA: Scientists have studied the genome of a million-year-old mammoths) (in Norwegian, but translatable with Google)

Interview with Ellen Kathrine Bludd

Verdens eldste DNA gir ny innsikt i mammutens evolusjon

(EN: The world's oldest DNA provides new insight into the evolution of the mammoth)

UiT News (in Norwegian, but translatable with Google)


Interview with Marius Hoe

Geologiens dag 2020: Dagny (9) og Nike (8) fikk et innblikk i geologiens verden: – Det var en spennende omvisning

(EN: Geology 2020: Dagny (9) and Nike (8) got an insight into the world of geology: - It was an exciting tour

iTromsø (local newspaper; in Norwegian)

Interview with Jheni Osman

News: eDNA

BBC Wildlife magazine, May 2020 issue, p32-35 (print and digital).

Interview with Jheni Osman (presenter) and Anne-Marie Bullock (producer)

Costing the Earth (ep. 8 on "The e-DNA Revolution")

BBC Radio 4, aired on Oct. 1, 15.30 BST and Oct. 2, 21.00 BST

Interview with Ellen Kathrine Bludd

1,77 millioner år gammel neshorn-tann løser evolusjonsmysterier

(EN: 1.77 million year old rhino tooth solves evolution mysteries)

UiT News (in Norwegian, but translatable with Google)

Interview with Johannes Ytreberg Meløe

DNA-tester skjelettene fra Hillesøy: – Vi venter i spenning

(EN: DNA tests the skeletons from Hillesøy: - We are waiting in excitement)

iTromsø (local newspaper; in Norwegian)


Interview with Anna Brooks

Ancient climate change may have dragged the wild horses away

Popular Science (Jul. 31, 2018)

Interview with Gry Elisabeth Mortensen

Nesten-hesten: Nye DNA-funn gjør at evolusjonshistorien må omskrives

(EN: The almost-horse: New DNA findings make it possible for the evolutionary story to be rewritten)

Aftenposten Histoire 2018:4, 80-81. (print only; in Norwegian)

Interview with Chris Smith

A new genus of extinct horse

The Naked Scientists (also featured on the eLife podcast, ep. 44)


Interview with Caroline Wood

Ancient mysteries - the world of palaeogenomics

The Society for Experimental Biology Magazine Aut. 2017, 40-45.


Mention and photo in article by Jessica Marshall

Uncovering the Secrets of Mammoth Island

Discover Magazine Nov. 2016: 38-45.