Research Group

The Heintzman Group is based on the Centre for Palaeogenetics and Department of Geological Sciences at Stockholm University, Sweden.

The Research Group focuses on the ecology and evolutionary history of populations, species, and communities reconstructed with ancient DNA from bones and sediments.

Current opportunities: Two postdoc positions will be announced in early 2024.

Heintzman group members (current)

PhD student: Stephanie Dolenz

Thesis title (preliminary): Reconstructing biotic responses to multiple periods of abrupt climate warming using deep-time ancient DNA from terrestrial sediments.

PhD student: Flore Wijnands

Thesis title (preliminary): Reconstructing biotic responses to multiple periods of abrupt climate warming using deep-time ancient DNA from marine sediments.

Masters student: Spandana Madiraju

Thesis title (preliminary): Simulating ancient DNA to understand the relative success of metagenomics and metabarcoding methods.

Heintzman group members (alumni)