Travel Support

Conference participants can apply for financial support to offset some of the costs of travel, accommodation and registration. Priority will be given to students and early-career researchers.

Applications were due by May 1st, 2019. Funding decisions have been made, and the call for financial support is now closed.

NSF support for U.S. participants:

The following applies to U.S. citizens and permanent residents as well as foreign employees or students of U.S. institutions.

  • To apply for travel support, please complete this form and follow the instructions given in the form.

Note that flights reimbursed by the NSF must be on US-based airlines (or US flag carriers).

  • If you have some partial financial support (e.g. for travel) and apply only for the rest (e.g. accommodation + registration fees), please let us know in the field "additional information".
  • Requests for funding that come from undergraduate or graduate students must be accompanied by a short letter of support (an email is enough) from an advisor or mentor. These letters should be sent by email to Lara Pudwell, with the student's name in the subject line, by May 1st.

Support for other participants:

Some support is also available for participants who are not eligible to the NSF support above.

  • To apply for travel support, please complete this form and follow the instructions given in the form.
  • If you have some partial financial support (e.g. for travel) and apply only for the rest (e.g. accommodation + registration fee), please let us know in the field "additional information".
  • Requests for funding that come from undergraduate or graduate students must be accompanied by a short letter of support (an email is enough) from an advisor or mentor. These letters should be sent by email to Valentin Féray, with the student's name in the subject line, by May 1st.