Social program
Banquet: Our conference dinner was held on Tuesday, June 18, starting at 18:45, in the restaurant Sento. The restaurant is located at Plattenstrasse 26, 8032 Zürich (entrance on the Zurichbergstrasse) about 10 minutes walk from the conference venue.
Non-excursion (on Wednesday afternoon): There are many nice options to spend an afternoon in Zurich: walking through the city center, taking a boat tour or swimming in the lake, enjoying the view from one of the surrounding hills, going to the scenic Rhine falls (1 hour train from Zurich), visiting a museum (we particularly recommend the Kunsthaus or Museum Rietberg). All these are easy to do on your own using public transportation. We therefore decided not to organize an official excursion, but we provide more detailed information on the above options and some others in the conference booklet.