University of Thessalie

The Department of Language and Intercultural Studies  is the only department in Greece that offers a joint programme of study in language and intercultural studies, aiming at  promoting research in applied linguistics, cultural and intercultural studies and literature.  The department’s programme of study promotes applied language studies and combines language and cultural education and transnational studies with an in-depth focus on issues of comparative literature,  intercultural communication, critical theory, studies of diversity, theories of globalization, intercultural education and work in transnational environments.  It offers courses in  Arabic, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese languages and cultures. Its vision is summed up in the triptych ‘interdisciplinarity-comparative arts- translanguaging’ for a more inclusive society.

Anastasia GKAINTARTZI (coord. locale)

Anastasia Gkaintartzi is an ass. lecturer at the Department of Language and Intercultural Studies, University of Thessaly. She holds a PhD in bi/multilingualism and education. Her publications and interests focus on bi/multilingualism, plurilingual education, language ideology, language maintenance, migration, identity, intercultural mediation and communication. She has participated in various national and European research projects on plurilingualism and education, such "ISOTIS, Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society'' (Horizon 2020), and teacher training for inclusive and plurilingual education (Teach4Integration, UNICEF). She is also a national expert for the ECML.


Eftychia Damaskou est doctorante sur la conception de matériel pédagogique pour les classes primaires multilingues à l'Université de Thessalie. Elle est aussi professeure de français langue étrangère dans l'enseignement secondaire public grec. Depuis 2015, elle est experte externe en matière de conception de matériels pédagogiques pour l’enseignement des langues auprès de l'Institut de Politique Éducative grec. Ses travaux de recherche publiés portent sur la conception de matériel pédagogique, les attitudes linguistiques des jeunes apprenants face à des langues non enseignées et le développement des compétences métalinguistiques et plurilingues chez les jeunes apprenants. Elle a participé à plusieurs programmes Erasmus+ dont “Kamilala: un projet créatif d’inclusion sociale” et “Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture” (Université du Pirée), ainsi que dans des projets de recherche sur l'Éveil aux langues (Université Aristote) ou l’intégration des enfants réfugiés et issus de l'immigration (Teach4Integration, Université de Thessalie, financé par UNICEF).


Roula Kitsiou is an Assistant Professor of Sociolinguistics at the Department of Language and Intercultural Studies of the University of Thessaly. Inspired by a socio-linguistic justice perspective, she has been working with various social groups (migrants, refugees, young detainees) on social and educational inclusion issues for the past 12 years. Her research interests include linguistic landscape studies, discourse analysis, sociolinguistic repertoires and rhizomatic approaches to literacy. She is currently the scientific coordinator of the project “VIA(me)YOU: Linguistic and cultural mediation in asylum and social inclusion processes” (2021-2023) and runs the “Volos Linguistic Landscape Research Group”-VLLRG.