Pedro Luis Silva, Economics, Education, Professor, Researcher

Hi, and welcome to my website!

I work at the Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES), an associated lab of the Universities of Porto and Aveiro,  as an Assistant Professor of Research (Investigador Auxiliar). I am also an Invited Assistant Professor at the School of Economics (FEP) of the University of Porto. I am also a research affiliate with IZA Institute of Labour Economics.

I hold a PhD in Economics from the University of Nottingham. During my PhD, I was a visiting student at the IAE-CSIC in Barcelona.  I am interested in  Labour Economics, Economics of Education, Public Economics, and Microeconometrics.

I am the Portuguese representative at the European Network of Graduate Tracking. This group was created by the European Commission to support European Union Member States with the implementation of the Council Recommendation on tracking graduates.

You can find my CV here .


Contact me:

Rua 1.º Dezembro 399

4450-227 Matosinhos

Porto, Portugal

Email: pedro.luis.silva[at] or plsilva[at]

Orcid ID: 0000 - 0003 - 4282 - 4932

CienciaVitae: 3F1E-D809-5229 


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