2012 Christmas EP

In 2012, in lieu of a ChristMixTape I wrote, performed and recorded an EP of Christmas music.

Click the album cover to download the EP from Bandcamp!


1. The Christmas Shakes

2. All I Want For Christmas Is Zoo

3. Joy, Y'all!

4. St Patrick's Day

5. It'll Be Zooey This Christmas

6. Merry Christmas Everyone!

7. When Christmas Fades Away

8. Christmas At Home

9. Hark! (Bonus Track)

I played all the instruments/sung all the words/pushed all the record buttons and I'm not utterly disgusted with how it turned out.

If you like it, please share it. It's free to download; pay what you want, anywhere from £100 right down to £0 with an email address (so that I can let you know of future recording projects - no spam, Scout's honour).

For more Christmas music not created by me, why not download one of my Christmas Mixtapes from this site!

Check out more of my music at www.peanutismint.com (or 'peanutismint' on SoundCloud).


I really love Christmas. Unashamedly. Aside from being a pagan holiday or cynically commercialised, I look forward to it every year. I also unashamedly love Christmas music, and have cut my teeth on the Christmas records of Sufjan Stevens, Relient K and the Barenaked Ladies. So between my love of making music and my love of all things festive, it was only really a matter of time before I tried to create my own 'Christmas record'. I hope that it brings a little joy into your life over the holiday season.

This has been the bane of my life for around 3 months. I played and recorded all the instruments including all vocals and learned a lot about mixing songs during the process, so if for nothing else, it's been worth it to achieve that, and I'm really proud of what I've created.

Merry Christmas to all, ho ho ho, God bless, let's rock etc.

p.s. sorry Zooey.