Technology + Market Research: 1988-2023

Paumanok Consulting and its Industrial Market Research capabilities and resources have been applied to advancements in electronic component technology and its ongoing impact on worldwide value development and successful circuit application under single client consulting arrangements. These programs have generated large revenue streams for trade companies and investors in the global high-tech economy from 1988-2023 and include these keystone projects-

Conductive Polymers:

A detailed look at polymer tantalum and aluminum capacitors that employ polythiophene, polypyrole and polyanaline Conductive Polymers to lower Equivalent Series Resistance for rapid release of charge.

EVx Propulsion:

A detailed analysis of capacitor consumption by type and configuration in electric vehicle propulsion for charger, inverter, converter and BMS systems.


Market and Technology Research in High Voltage Components from 300 VAC to 1000 Kilovolts for applications in Power Transmission and Distribution and EVX Propulsion.


This Market and Technology Research is in High Temperature Components from 170 Degrees C to 350 Degrees Ç for applications in space, oil & gas, geothermal and defense electronics.

Nickel Electrodes 

This report focuses on Nickel for Multilayered Ceramic Chip Capacitor Electrodes, with emphasis upon transperency on the complete ecosystem and technology breakthroughs enabling higher capacitance and higher voltage chips.

Copper Terminations

This report focuses specifically on consumption value, volume and pricing for Copper (Cu) consumed as a termination material in multilayered ceramic chip capacitors.  

PAUMANOK IMR TECHNOLOGY + MARKET RESEARCH: Paumanok has engaged in technology driven market research studies to establish the impact of specific changes in materials and component technologies on global markets.  Key areas of research are in dielectrics, electrodes, terminations, cathodes, anodes, substrates and packaging as it relates to capacitance, resistance, inductance, sensing and circuit protection; or based upon enhanced developments in component operating temperature, frequency and voltage.  CONTACT: for further information.  See also MARKET UPDATES.

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