Essay Competitions

There will be three essay competitions. The first two are for essays written for an academic audience, and the third will be for the best essay written for a general audience that appears in a non-academic publication. The recipient of each prize will receive an award of £1000. The articles by the recipients of the awards for the first two competitions will appear open access in issues of Journal of Consciousness Studies and Religious Studies, respectively.

2023: Theme: "Is Consciousness Fundamental?" (Winner of the prize: Dr. Yanssel Garcia, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Nebraska-Omaha for his paper, "Against the Irreducibility of Subjects." More information about his article is here. His paper will appear open-access in an issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies.)

2024: Theme: "Cosmopsychism and Models of the Ultimate" (CFP will appear 1 April 2024)

2025: Theme: "Panpsychism in the Public Sphere" (CFP will appear 1 January 2025)