INQUA 2019-2023 Report

INQUA Working Group Paleopedology (joint venture with International Union of Soil Sciences / IUSS Commission 1.6. Paleopedology). 2019-2023 Report

Current Commission Officers

Leaders: Maria Bronnikova Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, New Mexico State University (NMSU),,, WhatsApp +79067358981, +15754056150; Elizabeth Solleiro Rebolledo, Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM),, WhatsApp +525539111827 

Secretaries: Tobias Sprafke, Bern University of Applied Sciences (till August 2022); Fatima Kurbanova, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences,, WhatsApp +79168476399 (since August, 2022)

Editors of the Newsletter: Danny Itkin, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,, WhatsApp +972542201466 (till November, 2022); Lilit Pogosyan,      Institute of Ecology (INECOL), (since November, 2022)


We issue Commission 1.6. newsletter since 1996. Within the last INQUA intercongress period 5 NLs were issued. The NL can be found here:

Web Presence (under reconstruction), 

Intercongress activities (2019 – 2023)

International paleopedology online meeting Paleosols and ancient societies from early humans to the industrial revolution (June 10 12, 2021). 49 oral presentations, 15 countries, and about 60 participants.

Iberoamerican course on Paleopedology and Geoarchaeology PaleoIber 2021, 7- 9 June 2021. 157 official registered participants, streamed on Zoom and Facebook. 

Online international course on paleopedology, 6 – 10 March, 2023, 155 participants from 33 countries, streamed on Zoom and Facebook.     

EGU General Assembly Every year (April – May) we organize paleosol sessions at EGU General Assembly the program block SSS3 – Soils as Records in Time and Space (2020 online, 2021 online, 2022, and 2023 in a hybrid format).

Eurosoils-2021, 24-28 August 2021, online format. 6.16 Soil archives to understand future changes of climate, landscapes, and the pedosphere. 6 orals and 6 posters have been presented.

22nd World Congress of Soil Science, August 2022, Glasgow, Joint session of Commissions 1.2 and 1.6: Session 12 “Soil Classification and Paleopedology” co-chaired by Curtis Monger, Maria Bronnikova, Bipin B Mishra, and Elizabeth Solleiro-Rebolledo, four-hours oral session included a keynote lecture "Classification of paleosols: needs, concepts, and doubts" was delivered by Prof Cezary Kabala, and 12 oral presentations discussed topical issues of soil classification, paleosols or both; and a poster session included more than 40 posters.

Thematic special issues of journals:

Catena Volume 195, December 2020  SI “Contemporary soil and paleosol landscapes as records of past environmental conditions” invited editors: Anna Schneider, Maria Bronnikova, Elizabeth Solleiro Rebolledo 

Quaternary International 502, 2019 Landforms, sediments, soils and palaeosols as records of present and former environmental conditions and human-environment interactions (Editorial) //, , invited editors: Brad Sion, Florian Hirsch, Daniela Sauer

Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Volume 74 Issue 3 (2022) SI  “Paleosols and ancient societies: from early humans to the industrial revolution” Invited editors: Georgina Arzave, Elizabeth Solleiro, Maria Bronnikova.

Frontiers in Earth Science Special Issue “Soils and Palaeosols as Records of Past Human Land-Use and Environmental Conditions”, invited editors: Anna Andreetta, Anna Schneider, Maria Bronnikova. In progress.

Future planned events

INQUA Congress 2023 Oral session 190 Paleosol memory of environmental change and man-landscape interactions: from soil profile to geosystem. Conveners: E.S. Rebolledo, F. Scarciglia, 8 oral presentations, and 14 posters.

XIV International symposium and field workshop on paleopedology Soil Memory of Contemporary and paleo environments, October 7th-15th 2023, Las Cruces, New Mexico State University, USA. Responsible organizers: Maria Bronnikova, Curtis Monger. Registration is open. Please, find details in the announcement:

XV International symposium and field workshop on paleopedology (ISFWP XIV), Calabria, Italy, 2023. Academic sessions will be held at the University of Calabria, Italy

Responsible organizer: Fabio Scarciglia, Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Calabria, Italy