XIIIth Int. Symposium and Field Workshop on Paleopedology (ISFWP)

„Soils in modern and past landscapes”, Toruń/Poland 2014

Main Organizer: Michal Jankowski

Topics: Soil genesis, paleopedology, soil geography, pedoarchaeology, soil classification


1st day

Opening session, plenary session, oral presentations, poster presentations

„Get gothic” – the Old Town tour (optional presentation of soils forming on buldings: Edifisols)

Conference dinner in a gothic cellar

2nd day

Oral presentations, poster sessions

Meeting at the fire – (optional presentation of soils formed on fortifications: Constructosols)

3rd and 4th day

Field sessions:

A – Soils on glaciofluvial terraces in the Toruń Basin

Rusty soil (Brunic Arenosol), neo-relictic Gleyic Podzol, Mucky soil (Umbric Gleysol), Ochre soil

(Rubic Arenosol)

B – Contemporary and buried soils in dunes of the Toruń Basin

Alleröd soil paleo-catena (Katarzynka), contemporary Arenosols and sequence of buried soils

(Rudak), lateral podzolization (Chorągiewka)

Optionally: Gąski archaeological site (?)

C – Soils in young glacial landscapes (The Brodnickie Lakeland)

Eroded Luvisol, lithologically heterogenous Luvisols (2 profiles), Histosols (undrained and drained)

and soils developed from limnic deposits (3 profiles)