Round Table on Upper Paleolithic environmental research of Kostiёnki and Borshchevo, Russian Plain, Tübingen/Germany, 4-11 November 2011

Kostiёnki and Borshchevo, a group of Upper Paleolithic sites near Voronezh, Russia presents one

of the earliest evidences of modern humans in Eastern Europe. During the last decades it became an

object of different approaches used in Pleistocene archaeological contexts.

The seminar on geoarchaeology of Kostiёnki and Borshchevo was organized by Dr. Dana Pietsch

and held at the Geographical Institute, University of Tübingen in the framework of an ‘Initiation of

bilateral cooperation’ project (DFG PI 452/4-1). The event brought together archaeologists and

earth scientists interested in developing paleo-ecological reconstructions placed in a reliable

timeframe and linked to cultural development. Major importance was given to the paleopedological

research in Kostiёnki and Borshchevo.

The seminar included one afternoon of public lectures given by invited participants. Andrey

Sinitsyn and Sergey Lisitsyn (RAS St. Petersburg) spoke about the current state of archaeological

investigations in Kostiёnki and Borshchevo, Anastasia Markova (RAS Moscow) talked about

paleo-ecological implications of mammal paleontology. A series of paleopedological presentations

followed. Sergey Sedov (UNAM) discussed general trends of paleopedogenesis along the colluvial

sequence of Kostiёnki 14, Peter Kühn (University of Tübingen) focused on MIS2 paleosols,

whereas Dana Pietsch with enthusiasm presented the paleopedological aspects of krotovina

research. A very informative excursion to the world famous Paleolithic sites of Swabian Alb was

perfectly guided by Christopher Miller (University of Tübingen).

Other important parts of the round table event included discussion meetings of the participants and specialists of the

University of Tübingen and a visit of the archaeological and paleontological collections.

The round table was an example of a very successful small-scale event aimed on developing a

specific research topic involving international participation and expertise. In particular it showed

that there is growing interest in paleopedology as a tool for local paleo-ecological reconstructions

in the frame of Paleolithic Excursion to Paleolithic sites of the Swabian Alb. archaeological projects.