International Workshop "Rates of Soil Forming Processes in Mediterranean Climate"

Second workshop of RAISIN,

Organizers: Fabio Scarciglia and Daniela Sauer

Abstract submission will be open until 15 July, registration will be open until 31 August.

Young scientists and scientists from low-income countries may apply for travel grants until 30 June.

Although the main focus of the workshop and field trip will be on Mediterranean soil development, contributions on soil forming processes in other climates are welcome as well.

Workshop Program

Monday, September 23: Arrival at Arcavacata di Rende

Tuesday, Sep 24 and Wednesday, Sep 25: Workshop each day two morning and two afternoon sessions incl. keynote talks, regular talks and discussion

Thursday, September 26: Field trip to Rossano soil chronosequence (Ionian coast of Calabria), guided by Fabio Scarciglia

Friday, Sep 27 & Saturday, Sep 28: Field trip to Metaponto soil chronosequence (Gulf of Taranto, Basilicata), guided by Daniela Sauer, incl. 2 nights at Hermes Hotel in Policoro (arrival on Sep 26, departure on 28), return to Cosenza in the evening of Sep 28

Sunday, September 29: Departure from Arcavacata di Rende

Confirmed keynote talks

Jennifer W. Harden (USA): Linking soil forming processes to carbon cycling: a study in contrasts

Markus Egli (Switzerland): Soil chronosequences in Alpine areas: possibilities and limitations for deriving rection rates

Daniela Sauer (Germany): Interplay of soil-forming processes, aeolian and geomorphic dynamics in the Mediterranean - the 730 ka Metaponto soil sequence, Basilicata, S Italy

Fabio Scarciglia (Italy): A comparison of Quaternary soil chronosequences from the Ionian and Tyrrhenian coasts of Calabria, southern Italy: Rates of soil development and geomorphic dynamics.

Marine terrace sequence in the Metaponto area (Gulf of Taranto) with profile locations (yellow dots) and selected profiles (photos: Daniela Sauer; map of terraces from Brückner, 1980).