3rd Geochronology Summer School, Bergün/Switzerland, 4–9 September 2011

The successful geochronology summer school was held for the third time. It was organized by

Markus Egli (University of Zürich), Dagmar Brandova (University of Zürich), Paolo Cherubini

(WSL: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research), Holger Gärtner (WSL),

Susan Ivy-Ochs (University of Zürich / ETH), Klaus Felix Kaiser (University of Zürich, WSL).

Topics included numerical dating methods (radiocarbon, exposure dating with cosmogenic

nuclides, OSL, etc.), dendrochronology, ice-core chronologies as well as relative dating methods

(soil weathering, Schmidt-hammer technique, etc.), reconstruction of environmental parameters

(dendroecology, stable isotopes, etc.), climate and landscape history (forest fires, charcoal

identification and dating), reconstructing geomorphic processes (avalanches, debris flows, rock fall,

etc.). The summer school will be offered again on 2–7 September 2012 (see D).