Snack Closet

Help us stock the Paddock Snack Closet!

Did you know regular hunger impacts a child’s ability to learn?

At Paddock Elementary, we seek to provide an environment to foster learning in all children. Thus, a snack closet is available for staff to provide food to children who are at school and hungry but without snacks of their own.

The PTO will be helping to keep this snack closet stocked, and invite families who are able to make contributions. Donations can be sent to your child’s teacher and labeled "snack closet". Please direct questions to Carrie Gutierrez (

Requested snack closet items:

  • Fruit cups & spoons
  • Applesauce pouches
  • Cereal/granola bars
  • Individually-packaged animal crackers
  • Goldfish crackers, or pretzels
  • Kroger gift cards

THANK YOU for your help!