
2023-2024 Calendar

We have a very fluid calendar for the 2023-2024 School Year. Please see the brief calendar below for planning purposes, and come back to this page for additional details as we approach each event!

For the official Paddock calendar page, please click here.

September 2023

September 14 - Regular Meeting (7:00 PM)

We hope to see you at our regular monthly meeting of the Paddock PTO. Bring a friend, bring your ideas!

September 25 Cookie Dough Sale Begins

October 2023

October 12 - Regular Meeting (7:00 PM)

We hope to see you at our regular monthly meeting of the Paddock PTO. Bring a friend, bring your ideas!

October 18-19 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 2023

November 1 - No School

November 9 - Regular Meeting (7:00 PM)

We hope to see you at our regular monthly meeting of the Paddock PTO. Bring a friend, bring your ideas!

Cookie Dough Pick Up - TBD

December 2023

December 8 - No School

December 14 - Regular Meeting (7:00 PM)

We hope to see you at Paddock for the regular monthly meeting of the Paddock PTO.  Bring a friend, bring your ideas!

December 25 - January 5 - Winter Break

January 2024

January 11 - Regular Meeting (7:00 PM)

We hope to see you at our regular monthly meeting of the Paddock PTO. Bring a friend, bring your ideas!

January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr Day- No School

February 2024

February 2 - No School Staff 

February 8 - Regular Meeting (7:00 PM)

We hope to see you at our regular monthly meeting of the Paddock PTO. Bring a friend, bring your ideas!

February 16 - 19 - Mid-Winter Break No School 

March 2024

March 14 - Regular Meeting (7:00 PM)

We hope to see you at our regular monthly meeting of the Paddock PTO. Bring a friend, bring your ideas!

At this meeting, the nominations committee for the 2022-2023 executive board will be formed.

March 25 - March 31 - Spring Break

April 2024

April 1 - 2 Easter Break (No School)

April 11 - Regular Meeting (7:00 PM)

We hope to see you at our regular monthly meeting of the Paddock PTO. Bring a friend, bring your ideas!

At this meeting, the nominations committee will present the slate of nominees for the 2023-2024 executive board.  Nominations from the floor will also be taken at this time.

May 2024

May 2 - No School

May 8 - Regular Meeting - Annual Meeting (7:00 PM)

We hope to see you at our regular monthly meeting of the Paddock PTO. Bring a friend, bring your ideas!

At this meeting, the elections for the 2023-2024 executive board will be held.  Members must be present to vote.

June 2024

June 7 - Last Day of School